A quality $5 Opiate Buzz


Well-Known Member
Its cool I know you didn't mean shit!!!I gotta live with my own shit!!!!I dont make friends easily.Don't sleep much unless im medicated.Always on point.My old true friends mention the change all the time,hey lighten up,cant do it!!!!Maybe someday...I try to watch alot of comedy,grow my herb and hang out in here.I'm as about as happy as it gets right now.Got a big settlement and Doing some R&D into something that's looking good.The settlement wasn't from service!!!!:peace:


New Member
a couple of questions... did you go overseas? and was the weed there? i ask cuz i don't have that many options left besides joining up i think. i watch the military channel all the time and i saw this big bud plant in iraq. motherfucker had like 11 finger leaves. fuckin nuts.


Well-Known Member
a couple of questions... did you go overseas? and was the weed there? i ask cuz i don't have that many options left besides joining up i think. i watch the military channel all the time and i saw this big bud plant in iraq. motherfucker had like 11 finger leaves. fuckin nuts.
Man we smoked everywhere!!!Africa was the easiest place to get it,fucking cabs had kilo's in the trunk.Thailand ,australia,singapore,Hawaii.etc We brought sheets of blotter w/us too Talk about a fucking trip!!!!!!


New Member
damn dude! how about the reserves? like some kinda water purification like in the army now? something where they send you overseas, but you don't have to get shot at. i'd take that enlistment bonus and go to Amsterdam, or build a $10,000 grow room. world-wide tokin' sounds like the bomb!


New Member
africa seems like a backward ass place to me. all i see is pictures of kids with big ass blunts and ak-47's wearing fuckin john deere shirts and shit... looks like a mecca for tree though.


Well-Known Member
you are getting a very very very small amount of opium... what you have to do is extract the opium from the seeds them selfs which is a drawn out process... using lemon juice extracts a very very very small amount used to balance the taste more than anything...
your going to want to use the same method but boil the water and seeds for 3 mintues then place in a 2 liter bottle with lemon juice then shake until it's cool...
+rep for the efforts tho :)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I was under the impression that most of those seeds were either treated or heated to render them inactive? (Not discrediting your trip advice, I believe you, I just want to know what kind of seeds you have so I can buy some!)


Well-Known Member
Do yourselves a favor buy oxycodone 15's like 6 bucks I find the 30's are too strong. Buzzing strong for hours


Well-Known Member
I've messed around with both poppy seed tea and poppy pod tea, and there's no contest, the pods win every time. Gotta be really damned careful, it's very possible to OD and there's been at least one documented death from poppyseed tea OD.

I had to quit using the juice of the poppy, it's just way too addictive for me, I can't control myself when it's around.

I did find a good substitute, kratom. Look it up, it's good stuff. It tastes really nasty, almost as bad as the poppy teas, but it undeniably works to relieve pain and stress.

Kratom and cannabis together is veeerrryyy nice. Darken the room, put on some good music, and just drift away...:eyesmoke:


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Yes this can work.. Sometimes too well.. There have been cases of death from this technique, and with the extract of far less seeds.. Opiate levels can be flukey in those seeds..
people die from a lot of things.. when someone is supposed to use 2 pods and they use 20, no shit you'll die. The cases of death I have read have been because of pure stupidity. If someone where to bring you a product and it was a different color or texture than the previous batch you had, you'd do a test dosage, same as you should with the poppies. Take small amounts to see how it will hit, don't go chugging a gallon.


Well-Known Member
99.9% of the time you're right on the stupidity aspect.. Obvious unknowns are good to question, but you also have to remember that hidden unknowns can also exist.. Opiates can be taken safely until addiction sets in.. Test dosages are obviously the best approach to safety if you do that..


Well-Known Member
people die from a lot of things.. when someone is supposed to use 2 pods and they use 20, no shit you'll die. The cases of death I have read have been because of pure stupidity. If someone where to bring you a product and it was a different color or texture than the previous batch you had, you'd do a test dosage, same as you should with the poppies. Take small amounts to see how it will hit, don't go chugging a gallon.
Opiates are unpredictable period. You can get wasted off a 20cc needle full of junk one day, and die the next day from a 5cc dose.


Well-Known Member
i have a feeling ill be trying this. do the seeds lose all the opium after that time, or can i use them again?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Opiates are unpredictable period. You can get wasted off a 20cc needle full of junk one day, and die the next day from a 5cc dose.
From heroin? Read up about the tolerance for H... it tends to dissipate after roughly 3 days, hence making the tolerance you had built up go to jack shit so the next time you do the same amount it kills you.

Opiates are highly predictable, I have no idea where this idea came across you? I've never had anything unpredictable happen with them.. IMO they are as predictable to a knowledgeable person as is marijuana.


Well-Known Member
State of mind can drastically influence an opiate trip, so how can you say they're predictable..
My sister took 1/2 a Tylenol-3 (only 15mg codiene iirc) they gave her at the hospital for something minor (I forget).. Anyways, she dropped like a fly and had to be ambulanced to the hospital.. She was apparently pretty close to cardiac arrest..
Opiates are unpredictable on so many levels..