A question for society - is this bitch too young?

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Well-Known Member
Yeah.. a guy who has taken a bunch of acid :) I can see some strong intentions on both of you... Stop her from taking meth as sonn as its possible. Its the wrong kind of drug for proper development, it makes you feel superior... as opposed to mdma which makess you feel loving. Selling drugs to kids is not on.

As someone who has taken LSD you should also know that she is too young for it. 10 times is too many trips for that age, she should be learning the world as it is, not span out into 4 dimensions... Time for everything. I declined giving my 15 year old cousin LSD, for a reason.

If you can hold your deal with the law, and she can hold her end to wait with sobriety it will be the best :)


New Member
Wow, where do you start with someone like you? So you say your in love with a 15 year old but you refer to her as "this bitch" as often as you can. You seem obsessed with her breasts based on all your references to her "titties" and to top it off your a dealer. Maybe someone like you should take some time off from the whole dating and pedophilia thing, sort out your own issues, evaluate your life choices, and leave your unique blend of molding the youth of America to someone else. How about we leave it to other 15 year olds? Also 500 acid trips typically isn't considered a good thing. You really should pace yourself.


Well-Known Member
and by the way, to the pedophile OP, that chick looks younger than 15, more like 13.

i would fully endorse that you be bludgeoned to death with a sock full of nickels.


Well-Known Member
lol yea, I bet your only sexually attracted to her. Shes way to young, your a adult (supposed to be). Start seeing people your own age you cradle robber.
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