A Question for the ladies

doby mick

Active Member
Hi there i was wondering if any of our lady growers could shead a little light on this one for me ? My wife and i have been together a real long time{30 years} married 23 years. Shes not realy a touchy feely person, but saying that there are a few weeds that make her realy come out of herself and she then says she finds it hard to keep her hands to herself, nice for me, we know that Bubblelious by Nirvana is one of these strains and also Mohan Ram by Sweet seeds is another, so was wondering if any of our female tokers have experienced any strain that make her more tentertive and less i cant be bothered. I hope that some of the girls will help me out here, as i am only trying to keep the spark there for a few more years. all the best Doby Mick

DQ Blizzard

Active Member
It's interesting you say Bubblicious (I'm a dude by the way) because I've found a strain review of Bubble Gum (Serious Seeds) that says it's not the most potent but ladies love it (might be off the Serious website even), so I'd say get some BG, I did because my wife was like that sounds good, well who am I to not grow a strain for her?

doby mick

Active Member
No nice one DQ for your input as havent realy had alot of input from the female race which i find quite amusing seen as they usely have loads too say{should get a responce now from some of the girls outhere} I will try the Bubble gum you sugested, although they are quite expensive, like yourself nothing is to much trouble for a lovely wife.