your plant will only grow as big as your root system grows......its balance...if your roots are longer than the plant that usually means a growth spurt is on the way.....I have just started a nice strain of pppfm,and was wondering if growing hydroponically,how long should the roots be in proportion to the plant. I know that the root is not very restricted(rockwool-pellets)but, should they be twice as long?
my buddy just did this.....they wewre so root bound by the finish the plant just came out of the pot with noooooooooo problem at all......i dont know where the soil went it was just one thick clump of rootsActually and amazingly the roots with unlimited space will almost mirror the size of the plant they support.
It is possible however to constrict roots and grow the plant beyond this inverted size.
I have seen a 4 foot tall plant in a 1 foot tall container.