A random thought I had about music, money and manipulation...


Well-Known Member
I hate the radio, it's pretty much 75% bullshit, 20% commercials and 5% decent, listenable music. Was listening to it tonight while driving back from the grocery store and this goddamn awful song came on, listened to it for about half a minute then realized "there are actually people out there who think this song is good, even worse, the best song they've ever heard..." I mean, to someone, it's gotta be. Every terrible song you can think of is someone else's favorite.

Is this good/bad? Does that question apply?

Is it good there is a way to create straight up garbage, release it and tell people this is the new cool shit you've gotta hear and shower all the assholes involved with the fruits of their 'labor'?

"Whip my hair back and fourth", that superman shit that was non stop all last summer, omfg I can think of a million songs that are total SHIT that so many dumb motherfuckers swallow and makes the asshole rich, he puts out more TOTAL SHIT and the cycle continues.

Don't really have a direction for the thread.. But I'd like to hear opinions on this. I think it's an obvious answer, but do the producers of this garbage simply exploit the artist and population at the right time to make the maximum amount of profit, and we end up with Beibers, that housewife bitch who thinks she can sing, pretty much all the contestants on American Idol..?
Yes. I do believe you are correct.

Someone's got to feed the masses, though. I hope someday they'll learn to dine on finer cuisine.
^lol i dont even want to play that.

i agree with you pad. i hate the vast majority of music that came out in the last 10 years or so. i guess you just have to introduce the people listening to that crap to good music. some will gravitate towards it, others wont.
I can't stand that they play the same five artists over and over again.

There use to be more musicians when I was younger.:?
Yeah, that's a good point, seemed like each station was it's own genre back in the day, even as early as the 90's. The more mainstream something gets the worse it seems to be as they try to cater to everyone.
Thats what busted my stereo, i used the aux way too much!

As in i listened to my mp3 player instead

QUOTE=Padawanbater2;6815402]Yeah, that's a good point, seemed like each station was it's own genre back in the day, even as early as the 90's. The more mainstream something gets the worse it seems to be as they try to cater to everyone.