Stingy Stoners

It sounds like you are in need of a friend. If this is your only friend, and he disrespects you like this, you need to find better friends. you need a little self-confidence boost. You're obviously a bad ass grower, and are so super smarter than this guy. Do you have a huge dick and never get laid? No, you don't, because people should respect you. I bet you can grow a bad ass beard, just grow a bad ass beard and stick up for yourself. You deserve good things kid! Next time don't let somebody F you in the A like that. Now that you see that you are in control of your destiny and can F this dude up his butt hard, take your place at the top! You're the best around ! Nothing's ever gonna bring you down. You're the best around!
Hope this helps!
Lol man you should have told him to piss off the moment he gave you that shitty hash end of story. He sounds like a pussy and so do you btw, man the fuck up and dont let yourself get fucked over like youre still 5 ffs. In fact if you are much older than that im officially embarassed for you.

On a similar note, the shit that really gets me are the asses that want you to give, give, give, and actually get PISSED off if you aren't GIVING them what they want when they want.

As an example...
I gave a friend about 1/2 oz (for free) just to try out.
He calls me up about 2 weeks later and asks for more, so I tell him sure.
Comes over and I give him about 1/2 oz from a different plant.

"Uh, no man, I want the other stuff."
"Well, I only have about an 1/8th left of that and I am keeping it"
"Man that's some bullshit, I want the good stuff"
"Well, fuck it, just give me that back and go BUY your own"

of course he decided he would "go ahead and try it out"
then he calls me back about 2 hours later raving about how good it is.

Now I don't give him shit. I won't even let him keep the roach we smoke.
Dude, no offense but you need some new friends. If you handed out 6 oz and around two months later he wanted more, he sold that stuff.

I'm saturated in THC between edibles, oils and green, there's no way I could burn through 6 oz in two months without selling or smoking a hell of a lot of people out. On average I go through about 2 oz a month of top shelf organic. When I do smoke people out or give them a little weed it's NEVER in excess of a 1/4 and they sure as hell are grateful the weed fairy dropped by with a gift. Even then I only gift to those friends who are 1) financially strapped and 2) have some physical condition that cannabis helps. A regular stoner, run into me and I'll smoke you out but it's very unlikely you're going home with any of my green unless you're one of the ones who trades bowls and we give each other that knowing look of flavor that can only come from a home grow. Then I'll trade off his grow for mine or a little nug as a treat, invariably the following week/month that person shows up with an equal or bigger nug to share or give away.

I've got plenty of cats that know if I'm around I've got quality green and usually a loaded pipe ready for passing but no one would whine about one strain vs another or try and play me like that.
Sounds like you're running with guys that will not only take advantage of you but turn a dime really quick if they're unhappy. Sounds like now that you've got quality weed you need quality weed friends.
In all seriousness i feel a bit bad for the comment above, i took out my furstration for dickheads on you who are already a victimof one's actions. My honest advice would be to confront him like an adult for the things you felt his done and if he understands and can make up for it then maybe the weed getting relationship could proceed but if he proceeds being a dick push him around a bit without anyone witnessing and snatch his phone off him and sell it.
Thsi is what i would honestly do if i found myself in such a predicament whichb in the first place i would not have put myself in.
Tell him he owes you $1200 for the six ounces. This way you will never see him again. Mention it every time you see him(IF) that he owes you 1200 and I bet he will do everything he can to stay the hell away.
Do this but tell him you are willing to forget about the money if he let's you suck his cock...tell him it's 12 hundo so a little slurp is definitely out of the question tell him you want him in your living room at 8 am dick in your mouth... and you ain't stopping till you feel you sucked 1200 dollars worth of jizz out of his meat stick!!
greedy or greasy ?

I think the op got frosted in this weird relationship.
No way I would give all that weed to someone.

We used to follow a rule that implied" if I smoke a joint, then you smoke a joint."
Just keep matching the person until you burn out.
Good way to find narcs and other assholes.

Greasy is the word.

Do this but tell him you are willing to forget about the money if he let's you suck his cock...tell him it's 12 hundo so a little slurp is definitely out of the question tell him you want him in your living room at 8 am dick in your mouth... and you ain't stopping till you feel you sucked 1200 dollars worth of jizz out of his meat stick!!
Now we know what team you play for.
Do this but tell him you are willing to forget about the money if he let's you suck his cock...tell him it's 12 hundo so a little slurp is definitely out of the question tell him you want him in your living room at 8 am dick in your mouth... and you ain't stopping till you feel you sucked 1200 dollars worth of jizz out of his meat stick!!

That's gay bro!!
You made it clear that you are gay we get it.