A rant and all out holocaust for root aphids


Well-Known Member
So I found out I had root aphids by seeing swarms of bugs on my Rez and dancing in the growstones of my 2 waterfarms. My first reaction was "bugs?" then I got pissed off.

Went here to get some info as to what it could be...thought spider mites though it was nothing a wholesome as that. And everyone seemed to have a differing approach to fixing the problem from natural remedies to predator fixes with nematodes to harsh chemicals to just cutting it all down and starting over.

I had to do something and here's where the holocaust begins...:shock: :fire:

From the forums there's a lot of different ideas without a majority agreement on anything it seemed. I didn't want to spend a ton of money on things for them not to work, so being that my plants were only a few weeks old I was able to dump out some grow stones and gently pull them out.

All I saw was a swarm of bugs...fricken aphids everywhere... All up in mah roots and caked into my grow media. "Bitches must pay" I thought...

I put my plant in a mini dwc for the time being while I bagged my waterfarms so none of these little bastards could escape. I also read root aphids are pretty resilient to building up immunities to insecticides...What to do...soap? Nah...

Bug spray...nah...nematodes...no way...what would be the most fitting end if I were to give it all up and star over? So I put several big pots of water on the stove on high heat...and took my waterfarms outside.

For anyone that's ever had these evil fuckin aphids you know you want justice...so I decided to dump about 3 gallons of boiling water in each waterfarm. That's right I boiled those fuckers alive...let the water run off and boiled those little bastards again.

I could almost hear the screams as I giggled with glee like a kid with a magnifying glass and an anthill. Yeah build up a tolerance to boiling water you mutherfuckers.

For my plants I completely submerged them in water drowning the rest of these suckers...I saw them try to head for higher ground climbing the stalk...but they would just be prolonging their painful death. I crushed some with my fingers, other I flicked into the water and held them under while they begged for mercy...and I was all out of mercy at the time.

Im not sure if in the end this is going to work...but it sure made me feel better to boil not one but two populations alive. Hell hath been paid and anymore root aphids that wander into my garden will feel pain of unimaginable proportions.

This rant/root aphid apocalypse is dedicated to all growers who have had to deal with these herb vampires. May they know our strength and forever fear stepping into our gardens again you nasty sons a bitches. Rot in hell. :fire: AR "the root aphid angel of death"