a simple cloning experiment


Well-Known Member
no cloning expert, just clone straight to soil with no rooting compound
not all that pretty, but it does work
so this time i thought i'd do a little comparison
1 in plain water, 2 in soil, been about a week
cutting in water is in center of pic, the others are in soil
quite the difference, i think the left one in soil will make it
but the water cutting looks great! no leaf issues, just nice green


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You've got a lot to learn before you start running 'cloning experiments'. You'd do well to get some clonex, a humidity dome, and rapid rooter plugs. You'll get near 100% every time. Seriously, I can't remember the last time a cutting didn't root.
You've got a lot to learn before you start running 'cloning experiments'. You'd do well to get some clonex, a humidity dome, and rapid rooter plugs. You'll get near 100% every time. Seriously, I can't remember the last time a cutting didn't root.

not meaning this was any break through, just a comparison of 2 simple methods
budget is tight so if i don't need to spend it, i won't
only looking to get 1 viable clone since my grow setup is very small
After about a week your clone in water will probably start to rot, mine did anyway. jiffy cubes, humidity dome, and spray bottle from walmart for 5 bucks works great for me

After about a week your clone in water will probably start to rot, mine did anyway. jiffy cubes, humidity dome, and spray bottle from walmart for 5 bucks works great for me​

could be, haven't tried it before
i do have a humidity dome, tell you the truth it didn't seem to make much difference in my results
jiffy cubes are a possibility, i have thought of those, well within the budget
+rep for reminding me of those
Thanks brother, so ya I tried the water different ways, complete darkness, 24 hour light, clear plastic over the cup, black plastic, all rotted around a week. My clones are about 2 inches tall and without a dome they wilt within hours, I get 11 to 12 out of 12 now. It's all trial and error
experiences with clones are pretty much all over the map
i'm guessing the NL i'm running is easy to clone
the ratty looking one in soil i popped out, i've got plenty of free cuttings so what the hell
looked like there was a bit white at the bottom, so probably was rooting
i do see some have had good luck with water, and i've seen the rotting experience you've had
Nice I am trying the same thing rite now just soil and a cut off plastic bottel I put the cuttings in about a week ago I have 2 going just in peat ccups and soil been misting keeping it moist and under lights I take the top half off the cut in half pop bottel for about 45 min a day all looks great from the outside , very green no wilting so cant wait to see if it holds up, keep us posted how yours turn out..........Happy smoking
i will update, i'm sure this has been done many times
but couldn't find a thread that did this comparison
not too meaningful for a single strain, some strains clone easy
it took about 2-3 weeks in my 1st cloning of this strain in soil
i have good luck with the back of my aquarium filter, 100% success so far, no hormone.
constant oxygenated water and it's dark for the roots and a little light from the fish light.
i have good luck with the back of my aquarium filter, 100% success so far, no hormone. <br />
constant oxygenated water and it's dark for the roots and a little light from the fish light.
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that's pretty clever, and very cost effective
should rename this thread 'cheap cloning techniques'
you don't have to spend a truck load of cash to get good results
I have tried alot of ways but i have been just putting them right into pro-mix with nothing but a little water and i have not lost one yet. heat mat no dome 78 f just a little water on the stem every morning and they start growing about 7 - 10 days later.
Dam brother thats using your noodle very creative thinking cheers the aqarium filter idea I like it plus it also gets all the crap your fish disspose of fricken smart i think anyways
I have tried alot of ways but i have been just putting them right into pro-mix with nothing but a little water and i have not lost one yet. heat mat no dome 78 f just a little water on the stem every morning and they start growing about 7 - 10 days later.

i haven't done much cloning yet, but tell you the truth, i'm not sure that i've really lost a clone yet just popping in soil
i pop in 2-3 clones in dirt, then just keep the best one
the only part of cloning in plain dirt that is a bit confusing is to figure out what the rooting is doing
you can't see the roots so you're not sure how it's progressing
which i why i'm trying water, easy to watch growing roots
I cloned in plain water sitting in a glass before. Rot = change the water every few days.

that does seem to happen, many do warn of it
just checked my clone setup
the cutting in water still looks great, every leaf is still green
no obvious sign of roots, maybe a bit of root at the node where i stripped off the lowest leaf set
i did pull the worst looking of the 2 soil clones, just to see if there was any roots forming
and there did seem to be some root starting, not much, but some white protrusions
So now you're down to the one in the cup?

A buddy of mine tried cloning last year, cut 7 dipped in rooting powder no humidity dome, he didn't even mist them. All 7 rooted within 14 days.

Im doing pretty much the same thing but I mist once every morning. Been 10 days only 2 yellow leaves on one.