A stupid question about Flowering time


Active Member
When do most of you guys start counting how long a plant has been flowering? Do you start when you flip lights to 12/12? At the first sign of sex? When the first sort of flower appears? I've seen a lot of different answers on this on this and not sure what is right. Any help woud be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
i dont fuck with seeds(possible males) its a waste of time, energy, and electricity. i dont think it maters too much because your gonna use your own judgement anyway right? weather your off by a week or two , your gonna be able to pinpoint when to harvest anyway, due to signs (orange hairs ) etc...

dont waste your time with males or possible males, Clone clone clone %_%


Well-Known Member
You should Veg it until its about 1/3 the size you want. Then switch the lights over to 12/12 and flower it when its mature.


Well-Known Member
The second they flip the switch to 12/12,
its just an estimated time, don't expect when its the 8th week your plant will be done. Your plant will tell you when its done