A talk about "Hippies"


Well-Known Member
You can get gators in NY just open a manhole and one will swim by in a minute. Careful in Mexico, loads of bad karma down there, your life is worth zero. Sad state of affairs. Safe journey


Well-Known Member
You can get gators in NY just open a manhole and one will swim by in a minute. Careful in Mexico, loads of bad karma down there, your life is worth zero. Sad state of affairs. Safe journey
I get along with Mexicans, and I know who to and not to talk to for the most part. And I have a plan for what to do down there. I've had lots of time to think about all this. And I'm 25% Mexican. And have family members.

And I'd like to have the alligator as a baby first.


Well-Known Member
rather be a hippie than a deadbeat alcoholic any day.

Hippy and stoner are different. I smoke weed all day everyday, I have long hair, I have a beard, my hair is starting to dread, and the plan is to dread it all the way, I plan on being part of the revolution in America.

BUT, I do not enjoy being called a Hippy. Hippy was never what people act like it is, and Hippy is not what people think it is. The people that were really doing things MAY have considered themselves to be part of the "Hippy movement" But they always had a name for themselves or their group. They didn't just ask to be called "Hippies" Hippies are the groupies of the Hippy Culture.

Like think about it. After Woodstock being a Hippy meant NOTHING, and it was starting to loose meaning before that. After Woodstock it was a trend. The REAL MOTHERFUCKERS got strangled out. And the "Hippies" came in flood. Hippy is a word used to describe the trend. Not the REAL stuff going on.


Well-Known Member
So those people at Starbucks, that drive Prius' and recycle everything, that everyone calls "Hippys"... Are actually called "Yuppies". For anyone who doesn't know :D