A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?


Well-Known Member
hey man, i can kinda relate to you on this test...went to lowes last night for some more cfl's and soil and i ended up getting the MG organic. I needed it to put one of my 2 ladies into her final home for flower. she came from ffof and i still have one girl in ffof in a 5 gallon bucket....i have also only fed them MG all purpose plant food and i just bought some MG bloom nutes (i forgot the name) that i will use in flower. so going into flower in diffrent mediums with the same nutes under a 2' T12 and 6 23W 2700K cfl's...well see what happens


Well-Known Member
+rep for a killer thread..i use MG All Purpose, FF BigBloom in FF OceanForest soil for VEG, ........and MG BloomBuster, FF BigBloom,FF TigerBloom for FLOWER and Molasses throughout. Nothing wrong with MG is used properly, and when used in conjunction with FoxFarm products gives you something like this::blsmoke:


Jack in the Bud

Active Member
+rep for a killer thread..i use MG All Purpose, FF BigBloom in FF OceanForest soil for VEG, ........and MG BloomBuster, FF BigBloom,FF TigerBloom for FLOWER and Molasses throughout. Nothing wrong with MG is used properly, and when used in conjunction with FoxFarm products gives you something like this::blsmoke:
Very impressive. I'd say you've got your program dialed in pretty dam good.



Well-Known Member
Okay guys, it's been about 3 days, and time for another update. I think you are going to be surprised to see that the MG plants are growing faster, clearly. :shock: Yes, they are slightly lighter in color, but have been, and are still growing strong. Check it out...

The first two are the MG plants, and the second two are the FF plants..... :leaf:



Well-Known Member
ive been using MG for over a year with great results. ive always wanted to do a side by side like you're doin. cant wait to see some buds.

sub'd and +rep.


Well-Known Member
for sure man i would like to see this problem solved with your little girl..

try this man next time you water take a gallon of water and squeeze 1/2 a lemmon in there and see if that helps..
cause it looks like that could be a zink difficiency brought on by high ph...
just a thought but those big ridges are a sign of zink...


Well-Known Member
Nice, man. I'll definitely try that! Thanks yo. Hopefully one day when the nation is united in the legalization of cannabis, I can give you some clones for the help.


Well-Known Member
Should you find that MG is the dog´s bollocks and grows magnificent plants nobody will take any notice - they will still slag off MG.
But I applaud your practical initiative - to try it out and see what really works instead of just repeating what you read.
I think I'm biased against MG because here it's in you're face everywhere. I can't even find perlite at regular garden centers anymore unless it's MG brand, soaked in chemical ferts. But I'm not as negative about the MG soils as I am with the food, I have used organics choice before, in a pinch.

I'll scribe to this though, seems interesting.


Well-Known Member
I was actually an MG soil fan until I bought a bag full of bugs but I guess that could happen to any brand. I find it funny how different products seem to get attention on here for a while and then fade away. Over the summer molasses was the big topic. I answered a kids question yesterday when he asked will MG work for my soil and of course I said yes. Well then a new member argued the argument of fools just because it was about MG. Then to keep it going he started his own thread trying to bash me for telling the kid it is ok to use MG and to my surprise alot of people came on and defended my position of "yes MG is ok to use". I never said it would be my top choice but I have used it start to finish with great results so of course I will say you can grow in it. Who knows maybe after this test we will have to start reccomending it.


Well-Known Member
^Agreed, and that's pretty much the reason I started this test. I got sooooo sick of everybody blaming the soil on their own fuck-ups, :razz: that I had to provide some actual results, step-by-step. I know it works well, I used to use it too. And, like you, I quit using it, because of bugs.(fungus gnats, in particular) My advice to anyone, is to buy bags that are stored inside,(if that's an option) and as dry as possible. That's the best way to avoid pests, IMO.


Well-Known Member
LOL, this is ironic, but today I ordered two waterfarms. I love soil, but after seeing a waterfarm grow on here, I had to consider hydro.


Well-Known Member
LOL, this is ironic, but today I ordered two waterfarms. I love soil, but after seeing a waterfarm grow on here, I had to consider hydro.
DIRT TRAITOR!!! Yea, I'm thinking about trying a hydro setup...not for this next grow, but the one after that... :blsmoke: