A theory to test out after first grow


Well-Known Member
One of the three plants I just grew, well, we planted it not exactly in the center of the pot, but closer to the side, and it branched and bushed out way more than the other two.

We've theorized it does this for some reason or other, don't know why exactly, but are going to test this theory out on our next grow by planting them not exactly in the center of the pot, but a little more to the side.

What does anyone think? :roll:

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
if they came from clones then maybe it means somthing
but if they grew from seed. then that 1 bushyer plant may have endded up that way anyways
hard to tell


Well-Known Member
Yeah from seed. Well, gonna try it out anyhow, maybe it could become some kind of actual helpful growing technique if it pans out, if not, I'll still have healthy plants no doubt.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Yeah from seed. Well, gonna try it out anyhow, maybe it could become some kind of actual helpful growing technique if it pans out, if not, I'll still have healthy plants no doubt.
yes either way still good
if i had to say
it sounds like some natural "LST".
plants will grow away and around abstruction
maybe it saw the side as an abstructon and put more growing power in other parts, giving a more robust look


Well-Known Member
Off the top of my head, it sounds like the plant saw the wall it was closest to as the limits of root growth, and in nature would probably
send hormones to the roots with extra room, and to the plant above ground.

Numerous studies show that root ball = best limiting factor on growth..
Try a batch of clones, one touching the wall, one in the middle, one half way in between.

Record & Repeat brother, good luck.