A thought about flushing


Active Member
Ok There is great arguments about flushing. Lot of folk for and against it.. Jut pondering it myself.

Why do people who flush, flush? It improves taste apparently.

Ok lets think about other plants.. vegetables and stuff we eat.

A lot of us will grow a chilli plant or a tomato plant or whatever, we do not flush these plants yet proceed to.... yes, eat them. Guess what, they always taste good, and not of built up nutrients. I have never bit into a chilli and thought, yuck these could have done with a 2 week flush to kill all the foliage before I picked them.

So why would cannabis be any different?

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
my thoughts are, if you do you do, and if you don't you don't....I could care less because it's your plant not mine, so you do whatever you think is best for you and your plant

....but do we really need another debate on flushing?


Well-Known Member
your not eating cannabis (for the most part) your smoking it.

The chemical reaction of igniting all those harmful metals and minerals and then inhaling them is surely something to avoid, and obviously wont contribute to a clean, pure taste.

Just my thoughts though...

You could rub your buds in mayonaise, then eat them. it wouldnt hurt you.

Rub your buds in mayonaise, then smoke them. ugh! it still probably wouldnt hurt you... but my god!



Active Member
I don't care either, no skin off my sack how people wanna do it. I've done it and i'm open to the possibility of not doing it.

But this whole notion seems like another canna-myth to me. Do we need another debate ? why not? Do you think people got anywhere in any field by drawing a line under a controversial topic and saying, do we really need to debate this again?

Flush out those "harmful metals and minerals" ?? The human body is composed of these elements, and besides we aren't talking about taking a lump of potassium and rolling it in a joint, we are talking trace amounts. These elements are abundant in the earth.. that's how outdoor growing works..how do plants grown outdoors get flushed?


Active Member
thers flushing and thers watering water, ther is a diffrence, weras flushing u put 3x your pot size in water, so lots of runoff,, or simply feeding just water at the end,some call that flushing too

i feed just pure water for last 3 days as a rule, then let dry out for last 24 hrs in the dark, so the pot is light wen u harvest,
this run i ran with gh ripen, for 2 weeks then canna flush for 4 days then water for 3-4 days,, smoooth as silk the smoke mate

but on the other hand i lost a harvest all but 1 plant, the plant had only been watered the night before on the last done of pk/boost/base/,, dried/smoked/ no problems or nastyness

flushing is a myth, nothing more, do ur on thing, water one plant with just water and not the other, see if thers any diffrence then u will know

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
from that page, quote

From the nutritional perspective, a plant cannot tell if applied nutrients come from a manufactured fertilizer or a natural source. Plants use nutrients in ionic forms. Soil microorganisms must break down organic soil amendments, organic fertilizers and many manufactured fertilizers before the nutrients become usable by plants.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member

Roots take up nutrients primarily as ions dissolved in the soil’s water. The ions may be positively charged (cations) or negatively charged (anions). The nutrient ion soup in the soil’s water is in a constant state of flux as the variety of ions dissolve in and precipitate out of solution.
Clay particles and organic matter in the soil are negatively charged, attracting the positively charged cations (like ammonium, NH4+, and potassium, K+) and making the cations resistant to leaching. Negatively charged anions (like nitrate, N03-) are prone to leaching and can become a water pollution problem. Both ammonium and nitrate are important plant nitrogen sources and are commonly found in salt forms in fertilizers.
The Cation Exchange Capacity, CEC,is a measurement of the soil’s capacity to hold cation nutrients. More precisely, it is a measurement of the capacity of the negatively charged clay and organic matter to attract and hold positively charged cations. CEC is useful in comparing the potential for different soils to hold and supply nutrients for plant growth.


Well-Known Member
Lol if heavy metals like iron or boron were in your buds pouring a shitload of water on it isnt going to do much. I do allow my plant to cannabolize itself in the last week but i commonly go a week late. Id never cut nutes during the final swell.


Well-Known Member
I am sure there is some type of difference in taste/smell from a plant ending in nutrient depleted soil and those ending in nutrient rich soil. Better or worse? Probably too minor to tell.
What I can say for sure, and if you are going to flush this would be the main reason to flush....

Higher nitrogen levels in your soil at the end of flowering has a direct consequence of lower THC levels in your plant. Fact.

Also, nitrogen is one of the first nutrients that will flush out of your soil. So, if you were to flush 10 days before you cut, the plant would then use the nitrogen in your leaves to cause the reaction that allows phosphorus to be used (both stored in plant tissue) and you MIGHT raise your thc percentage by a couple of points. The main nutrient that will be absent is calcium since it is not stored in plant tissue.
Considering you are about to kill it anyway, a slight calcium defiency in the last 2-3 days before cutting really wont make much difference.

Green Troll

Active Member

in my opinion, you cannot educate pork. every single person who swears by flushing has their own reason why it is bad not to flush, and every single one of those reasons has no scientific backing at all. it is right in their own minds. you cannot educate stupid people, that is why they are stupid.

you kinda answered your own question, we don't flush anything else in the world of botany, so why is cannabis different? it isn't. you were right to question it. but people read one view and suddenly they are experts and flame anyone who says different. we have tried so hard to tell them...but their simple little minds cannot cope. oh whatever did the planet do when we were not there to flush?


Well-Known Member
I technically flush but not for any improvements. I grow hydro and the last week of flower I just give water. My plant is not going to gain or lose a ton of weight in that week. Might as well save a bunch of nutes. I've tried both ways and saw absolutely no difference in my grow.


Well-Known Member

in my opinion, you cannot educate pork. every single person who swears by flushing has their own reason why it is bad not to flush, and every single one of those reasons has no scientific backing at all. it is right in their own minds. you cannot educate stupid people, that is why they are stupid.

you kinda answered your own question, we don't flush anything else in the world of botany, so why is cannabis different? it isn't. you were right to question it. but people read one view and suddenly they are experts and flame anyone who says different. we have tried so hard to tell them...but their simple little minds cannot cope. oh whatever did the planet do when we were not there to flush?

So are you denying the scientific fact that higher nitrogen levels results in lower thc levels at the end of flowering? Notice I said scientific fact, not speculation.

Do some research use google with some combination of nitrogen levels and thc levels or whatever. Studies have been done.