A Thread For All The Fat People

I save this for when Cannabineer comes over


*hoard hoard*

My feeding patterns aren't that different than those of my theriotype... *shrug*

Jadeey, I have no idea how you managed to beat it in a year, but I commend you x
In the South, pot bellies are like a badge of honor.

I know when I need to lose weight; when I find it hard to wipe my ass.
I get the muchies like a lot (probably because of all the pot I smoke) but yeah I like doritos lasagna brownies and mac n cheese I'm not really that fat but I had bulimia for a year so that's probably why >.<

That's good you're healthy Do you eat your veggies too ? I hear potheads have to eat their veggies

I love vegetables. I grew up eating food from our own garden and livestock. We milked our own cows too. :p
I love to eat, now I have a steady diet of bambi for the winter, I eat everything but liver,ass and cock..... Sweet tasting pussy drives me crazy,

You could put the cock on a hotdog roll and put the liver and ass in a stew. Its gonna be a long winter.
You could put the cock on a hotdog roll and put the liver and ass in a stew. Its gonna be a long winter.
lmao, wip it up in a crock pot and let me know how it taste...lol Lot of deer in my yard. and fish in my pond , so i am kinda set