A Triple-Threat, or... The woes of three strains.

i have the least patience, especially when i am out and have to buy, as i smoke a lot. my motto is any day after 50 lol depending on how much weed i have at the time :D with seeds i let them go a little longer, i am almost on day 61 and they look killer, just more yellowin than i am used to. the rule of thumb is 8 weeks/56 days and most indicas should pretty much be pau. im sure you will be happy with the wait. i am chonging on some of the outdoor and it is not nearly as good as the indo, but i must say i pay much more attention to the indo. aloha girl, happy harvesting :)

Aloha Highhawny~

~Day 61? NICE! I have to endure my Sour Diesel to see those days in the 60's and 70's (maybe), ffs! Suppose to take 9-10 weeks but honestly, I am so glad I staked them bc they are ridiculous huge and chunky. I guess outdoors they just get super strong branches and no need fo staking them up prolly, yeah? I'm stoked for you too... pretty soon, pretty soon. If I don't hear from you for a while (same here) we will count that as ur SMOKE REPORT! KILL'a!!

Looking good Ms. Greenthumb! :) Is that KC Brains Sweet Dreams? The third picture looks so, so ono.

Aloha Spliff and mahalo~

This indica is BC Sweet Dreams~ When I did intial research I liked the BC Genetics. PLUS... I was successful with acquiring gear so I stayed. ALL my stuff (up) is BC, except for the freebies I got from my SATORI (Attitude) order last month. But I'm "genetics-hoaring" and have more then I need.

Those nugs are really pretty, huh? TY for saying so, but i'm sure she did most of the hard work! (ok not most).

:hug: Aloha RIPeer's and mahalo for stoppin by~
(lol @ RI Peers, was an accident but I like it)

Doing some LST on my clones that have rooted and are taking off. New soil and soil ammendments including a root soak in humic acid and then "sprinkled" with mychorrizal directly on their roots before planting. I'll put them here until I finish this journal and then begin another, perhaps, in the organic section just as a means to ask the questions I need to.

As my BC Sweet Dreams come out in a few days I have my next round of clones to go in followed by the seedlings that better throw me at least a female or two, I hope.

They're young but I always say it's never too early and they're never too young to bend them over for a little MJ-Bondage.:shock:

MOM / Seedling / Clone Keeper (organic): LST'd Clones = BC Genetics: AK-47, Sour Diesel, and Sweet Dreams (again bc I can do better).

The whole brood~

BC-WW / Organic from seed @ 5 wks: Short, stocky, and very happy so far with EJ and organic nutes (pic #3 has a sharpie for trunk reference for babies).
View attachment 2255116View attachment 2255115View attachment 2255122View attachment 2255119DSCN0266.JPG

*8-Leaf Set~ (seriously?) :shock:
View attachment 2255121


:peace: hapa
:) looking killer. had a write up but some fucking security thing showed up and i am not typing again haha aloha


  • 61days.JPG
    189 KB · Views: 12
:) looking killer. had a write up but some fucking security thing showed up and i am not typing again haha aloha
:hug" Aloha Highhawyn~

OMFG!!! Urs look sup'a kill'a! Man I would put that between two slices of "Hawyn" bread and g-r-i-n-d 'em! You took em already or are about to? Freakin' beauties!
And I know what you mean about that stupid glitch when typing shit and then everything is POOF!! gone... oh hell no. (lol)
My first harvest is today~
I'mma lil nervous.
here's the worse case scenario rollin around in my brain:
All this work and it will taste like hay...

I'm gonna need more coffee~
you'll be alright girl. you did everything right. genetics determine ultimate taste/flavor. the hay thing will only come on if temps arent right and if harvested too early. overferted bud will taste like chemmy ash and burn hard. mine are just starting to pronounce flavors, after 4 days dry. like i said earlier i like to cut bigger leaves and leaf tips with no sugar, then let the plant dry and do the final trim on sugar/bud leaves last, even tho it takes more time. i like to do it that way because although it is easier if everything is taken down at one time, i feel like leaving the sugar leaves helps to cover up the buds a bit and lets them dry out better. but that's just me. good luck with harvest, my motto has always been, "Harvest time is a Good time!" aloha girl, see you on the flipside!

Harvest = "A bitch". (IMFHO)

I had no idea, bc all the reading (& prep) in the world cannot prepare you (me) for that 10 - 12 hour endeavor. I started out using the "tips" of my micro-fiskars and by hour 10 I was more then willing to use a freakin chain-saw to trim, true story~

Anyway... I have been so busy. I harvested and hung to dry only to have them dry in like two days. Stem check said one more day hanging would have been too much. Jarred up with hygrometers @ 4 days ago. They feel DRY to me tho RH's read @ 63-65%.

And they smell... ummm... NOT DANK, that's for sure.
Smelled bett'a in da pot then now. (I would NOT get these from someone else if I smelled them, jfs).
I started a thread in Harvesting & Curing for some help and suggestions for this next harvest coming in a few days (then another in a week).

Don't know why I'd wanna share with everyone my mis-haps and mis-calculations except to maybe NOT make that same mistake again.:wall:

I know my room conditions are not ideal. but it's HOT / HUMID outside and if I keep em btwn 80-90 degrees (esp. when its 100+), day / lights on, well, that's about the best I can do and its what I have to work with.
Maybe gonna leave more leaves on, trim LESS, cover the drying box, and find a source of humidity that can be used inside that wardrobe-box (maybe).

Because i'm gonna fill this page with cussing if I screw up my s diesel.

ha ha ha and I thought this was gonna be the easy part.
DSCN0320.JPG DSCN0312.JPG=Before harvest (would'a been a great pic if only I had removed the LST'ing stuff in the back, ffs.)

DSCN0340.JPG DSCN0341.JPG DSCN0353.JPG just-a-bud...

DSCN0359.JPG DSCN0363.JPG=Box #1 (non-LST'd)
DSCN0369.JPG=Box #2 (LST'd)

YIELD was about the same btwn LST'd and NOT LST'd but the buds were way bigger and it was easier to manicure/trim/harvest w/LST'ing.

DSCN0364.JPG=Box location (next to ac, slightly opened for circulation)

Is there any hope they will smell better? they're covered in trichomes but I'mma "TASTE" kind of person. I (almost, lol) don't care how GOOD it is, if it tastes bad or NOT GOOD, I don't even wanna smoke it... period.

It sucks to be me this week~

Good luck with the harvest!

Thank you punk... appreciate you poppin by brah~

you'll be alright girl. you did everything right. genetics determine ultimate taste/flavor. the hay thing will only come on if temps arent right and if harvested too early. overferted bud will taste like chemmy ash and burn hard. mine are just starting to pronounce flavors, after 4 days dry. like i said earlier i like to cut bigger leaves and leaf tips with no sugar, then let the plant dry and do the final trim on sugar/bud leaves last, even tho it takes more time. i like to do it that way because although it is easier if everything is taken down at one time, i feel like leaving the sugar leaves helps to cover up the buds a bit and lets them dry out better. but that's just me. good luck with harvest, my motto has always been, "Harvest time is a Good time!" aloha girl, see you on the flipside!

aloha highhawyn~
Is it the temps that did me in?

hey just stopn by to show some love. that looks like some nice smoke sorry to hear bout the seeds... it coulda been the heat, over 90 is not good at all.. I suffered the same problem early on with my new grow.. got it all worked out now but damn did it stunt my growth for a while...

Harvest = "A bitch". (IMFHO)

I had no idea, bc all the reading (& prep) in the world cannot prepare you (me) for that 10 - 12 hour endeavor. I started out using the "tips" of my micro-fiskars and by hour 10 I was more then willing to use a freakin chain-saw to trim, true story~

Anyway... I have been so busy. I harvested and hung to dry only to have them dry in like two days. Stem check said one more day hanging would have been too much. Jarred up with hygrometers @ 4 days ago. They feel DRY to me tho RH's read @ 63-65%.

And they smell... ummm... NOT DANK, that's for sure.
Smelled bett'a in da pot then now. (I would NOT get these from someone else if I smelled them, jfs).
I started a thread in Harvesting & Curing for some help and suggestions for this next harvest coming in a few days (then another in a week).

Don't know why I'd wanna share with everyone my mis-haps and mis-calculations except to maybe NOT make that same mistake again.:wall:

I know my room conditions are not ideal. but it's HOT / HUMID outside and if I keep em btwn 80-90 degrees (esp. when its 100+), day / lights on, well, that's about the best I can do and its what I have to work with.
Maybe gonna leave more leaves on, trim LESS, cover the drying box, and find a source of humidity that can be used inside that wardrobe-box (maybe).

Because i'm gonna fill this page with cussing if I screw up my s diesel.

ha ha ha and I thought this was gonna be the easy part.
View attachment 2268158 View attachment 2268157=Before harvest (would'a been a great pic if only I had removed the LST'ing stuff in the back, ffs.)

View attachment 2268159 View attachment 2268160 View attachment 2268161 just-a-bud...

View attachment 2268162 View attachment 2268163=Box #1 (non-LST'd)
View attachment 2268165=Box #2 (LST'd)

YIELD was about the same btwn LST'd and NOT LST'd but the buds were way bigger and it was easier to manicure/trim/harvest w/LST'ing.

View attachment 2268164=Box location (next to ac, slightly opened for circulation)

Is there any hope they will smell better? they're covered in trichomes but I'mma "TASTE" kind of person. I (almost, lol) don't care how GOOD it is, if it tastes bad or NOT GOOD, I don't even wanna smoke it... period.

It sucks to be me this week~


hey what's up sistah. I think you being to hard on yourself. the smell going come after being jarred up for awhile. also if to dry you can get em moist again. always can fix :D it doesn't suck to be you, I'd be stoked. it only gets better every grow. right on hapahaole. thanks for sharing. and take it easy :joint:
:hug: Aloha RIP'ahs~

I know, I know, I have been derelict in my mj-gj duties but my excuse is harvesting has kicked my ass and (I am pleased to say) the smoke is better then I thought, for real (nice surprise, really).

About the AK-47:
I did a nute OD (not too terrible) about the 3rd week of flower and I seriously felt that they were stunted in growth. Trichomes were weird, yeah weird. Some excellent, some broken, some underdeveloped, with late fox-tailing and growth. Breeder said 8 wks. I went a lil over 9 and as soon as I found some amber (Sub's Amber Alert for Sativa hybrids).

The trim made crappy hash (probably my fault I assure you). The smell was (weird) different too. Ummm... but there was so much resin really. Sticky right until the end. I created a better environment for the buds to dry in. Less circulated air and a little better temps esp when I put my Sour D's into the tent for an extended dark BEFORE the harvest. The room without the lights on is cold... (dammmmmit).

Hung for three days, placed in paper bags in alternating layers (like lasagna) betwn. shredded brn. paper bags. I left them in there for a couple days, turning by hand a coupl'a times a day. Jarred up with the hygrometers and BINGO!!! The RH reading is btwn 60-64%. freakin perfect for a day in the jars and although I burp them, they are maintaining very well. Better then the Indica still. (there's a lesson there for me).

I don't have a scale and I dedicated one entire plant to (the crappy result) hash. (Thanks again tho Sub... I have Bubble Bags now and ur Ice-Hash Movie bookmarked = better results, ffs!):clap:
I have about 6 jars but the buds are fairly large and consistent.
Indica was about 10 jars but the buds were harder and smaller.

About the Sour Diesel:
These colas were ginormous, and will be mo bettah next time (esp. after reading this Thread on Mainlining~ Take a look see, it's very cool https://www.rollitup.org/subcools-old-school-organics/542308-main-lining-thread.html) Anyway... Trimming was pretty easy and trichome development was evenly distributed from top to bottom (for the most part @ 95%), even the lil popcorn buds had hella resin/trichs. I took pics (tried to) so hopefully they came out.

They were harvested yesterday, hung in my tent with small fans circulating air (8 x 4 x 7). I left the extraction fan on just cause. If any of you think I shouldn't please say so. I checked them today, of course, and they are drying slowly... whew! How very nice for me, for a change.

Ridiculous. Compared to ALL the others its DOUBLE-PLUS what the other two are together.
I will invest in a scale today bc I have no clue. (
My guess would be 2 1/2 - 3 cases of jars MAY get it
And that's a great problem to have, I noticed.
I'm happier bc I thought I really screwed it up... thankfully mj is forgiving (mostly).

DSCN0573.JPG DSCN0603.JPG AK-47 RH's and bud shot.

DSCN0488.JPGDSCN0484.JPGDSCN0558.JPGDSCN0494.JPGDSCN0493.JPGDSCN0504.JPG Various Sour D and her Foxy-Tails.

DSCN0530a.JPGDSCN0571.JPG It yielded about 30 of these big ones plus all the others (6 plants). YAY!!!

DSCN0567.JPGDSCN0566.JPGDSCN0568.JPGDSCN0563.JPGI could sleep in this tent... (4 rows x 8ft. = 32 ft of buds... not quite but almost) wow.

DSCN0516.JPG aha ha... yeah they're small buttt... they're just as resinous as the others.

I will come back for a "smoke-report" and will make sure to ADD it to the thread so named. I wanted to see how good "BC Bud" really was and I am happy to say it's kick-ass.
So many strains and only so much time and room...

Mahalo nui loa for comin by and for all the help and kind words...

:peace: pua
~pau hana
hey just stopn by to show some love. that looks like some nice smoke sorry to hear bout the seeds... it coulda been the heat, over 90 is not good at all.. I suffered the same problem early on with my new grow.. got it all worked out now but damn did it stunt my growth for a while...

Thanks for da RIP luv I appreciate it brah~
And the smoke is pretty good. I'm leaving them in the jars for a month or so before putting them in rotation. Glad ur growing is mo bettah too! :)
hey what's up sistah. I think you being to hard on yourself. the smell going come after being jarred up for awhile. also if to dry you can get em moist again. always can fix :D it doesn't suck to be you, I'd be stoked. it only gets better every grow. right on hapahaole. thanks for sharing. and take it easy :joint:

Dr. Greenhorn you know what??? :hug: That's wat brah~
Mahalo from da bottom of my heart! LOL

Now... On to my organic adventure (lawd help me...)