Final Phase
Well-Known Member

Sheriff shows up and reports a tip on growing marijuana.
After seeing my medical recommendaion the sheriff wanted to see documentation on the plants - That's a rec. by the state to pay 66 dollars to get a "growers card" and tell the sherrif dept. how much you're growing and what strains. I ain't following that recemmendation! I told him I didn't have that. He said no problem. Then asked if I were making concentrates... No Then asked if there were children.... No Then asked how many plants I was growing! When I avoided answering that question he informed me that there is a new law out now that no longer puts a number lower than 99 plants on my situation. He asked if I sold. Was told it was only for personal use.
He asked to see the plants - I wasn't worried about it any longer after he told me plant number wasn't an issue. I took him under the house to the garden... He's looking at 65 plants ranging from 18" to 3'. What does he say? "Beautiful plants!" Then he told me there could be a problem growing into the ground. Something about environmental groups complaining about growing in the ground. He suggessted I just start growing in 5 gal. buckets.
Shook his hand when he left and told him to have a good day... Life is a trip!
In process of dropping floor 18 inches...
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