A week and a half without watering?


Plant size? I have some clones that are about 3 weeks transplanted into 3gal bags and im about the same depending on temps my plants are about 12"-16". Lift your container if thats an option and check them by weight thats what i've been doing. Along with some light foliar feeding at this point.


Well-Known Member
I'm central cali and I've tried to water stress by not watering for almost 2 weeks and it never happened. What is your soil mixture and what size are your containers / holes ?


I've got a central Cal. gerilla grow going. I'm a month into it and I'm watering once a week. I'm using miracle grow moisture control soil with water crystals mixed in. Aurora indigo. They look great. I think I could go at two week intervals If I wanted to push it.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
When I first transplanted my girls I was about 7-10 days between waterings. When it's hot out they dry out faster and as they grow I'm slowly needing to water more often.


Well-Known Member
I'm central cali and I've tried to water stress by not watering for almost 2 weeks and it never happened. What is your soil mixture and what size are your containers / holes ?

These are the plants I have 2 sprouts are not in the picture and they don't pertain to anyways the 3 closest ones are seeds and the last 5 are clones (closest to furthest spicy white devil, cheese, cannabis cup winning amnesia) the clones are in 1 gallon pots and the seeds are in 2-3 gallon pots all seem to have same moister in them. I am using fox farms ocean forest and I am using light earth juice and a few other goodies. They are up against the fence where they will be spending the rest of the lifes and they don't get direct sun light ti about 1130-1230(noon) so you were never able to water stress tthem from under watering?