AA is a CULT!


Well-Known Member
I was making the parallel in "AA is a Cult", the only reason AA was adressed as a Cult is because of the religious practice at meetings. I think AA is a great step, it shows that someone is willing to make an effort to cure themselves. I think you missed the point of the OP.
I am not sure if it was the religious practices alone. I didnt take it for that.

The meetings are only for alcoholics, no other people are allowed to attend. - cultish


Active Member
I am not sure if it was the religious practices alone. I didnt take it for that.

The meetings are only for alcoholics, no other people are allowed to attend. - cultish
Ahh... I felt like the OP was expressing discomfort with the religious practice at the AA meeting, Christianity being a missionary faith and all(trying to get him to accept Jesus). Why would a non-alcoholic want to attend an AA meeting anyway?


Well-Known Member
Ahh... I felt like the OP was expressing discomfort with the religious practice at the AA meeting, Christianity being a missionary faith and all(trying to get him to accept Jesus). Why would a non-alcoholic want to attend an AA meeting anyway?
My sister wanted to go with me and my mother for moral support...

Other people want to go to see what it is about.


Active Member
, so, that one guy has wacky inconsistent views, and thus the entire program is crap, and most likely a cult.

likewise, larry craig was a hypocrite, so every oher person on the planet who holds conservative views is an asshole, and we should all start blowing strangers in men's rooms.

brilliant logic.
I think you got a crush on me, oh my.


Well-Known Member
I believe there is a god... But I dont believe in organized religion. God game me life and what I choose to do with it after that is my choice.

I dont think he looks over us lovingly and takes care of us. That's for sure...

I was always under the impression that a mother gives life too you not a so called god.


Well-Known Member
I became self aware of the bull shit people were spewing to me. I may have been baptized, but I skipped my confirmation


Well-Known Member
I don't think they're for God as much as they are a "higher power." The organization knows not everyone is religious so the higher power can be the AA group. It has to do with admitting you're powerless to your addiction and having to give yourself over to a higher power (but don't quote me). I think the whole thing is strange but I know people who have gotten sober and stayed sober through anonymous programs so I support them.


Well-Known Member
I don't think they're for God as much as they are a "higher power." The organization knows not everyone is religious so the higher power can be the AA group. It has to do with admitting you're powerless to your addiction and having to give yourself over to a higher power (but don't quote me). I think the whole thing is strange but I know people who have gotten sober and stayed sober through anonymous programs so I support them.
They want you to plead powerlessness
Then they want you to devote your life to AA

AA's success rate for sobriety is actually slightly less than that of people who choose to quit
About 5% after 1 year


Well-Known Member
Been to some AA meets. They seemd to be swapping one crutch for another, albeit less damaging, one.
Wasn't my style, but try finding a recovery program that is not built around the 12 steps model.
Also, many of these "Anonymous" groups claim to be the only road to recovery, which is damaging in itself...
Just like religions, cults, whatever, whoever claim theirs is the only road to paradise...which is damaging in itself.

Religions,cults like the AA etc; if they ain't healing people, they're damaging 'em.



Well-Known Member
Unfortunately... it sucks to be right. I put a lot of faith in the lord... and... after 10 years.. feel very let down by it.
I maintain a similar position on god...

I don't believe that one exists, but I hope I'm wrong. I kinda like the idea of being able to hang with all of my family and friends again at some point after I'm tits-up.


Well-Known Member
Whether there's a God or not...You could still hang out with friends and family when you've gone (from clear to cloudy to amber)...


Well-Known Member
uhhh the subject is Alcoholics Anonymous, not christian religion. the two are completely separate.

AA does not equate drinking with a religious sin, but treats alcohol abuse as a problem, a PERSONAL problem, and porovides a safe place for people to talk about the problem without the social stigma or prejudice they find elsewhere.

everyone crying and whinging about a PRIVATE GROUP of people making a PRIVATE CHOICE about their PRIVATE LIVES, and calling them weak, foolish, stupid, brainwashed or gullible is making obvious WHY alcoholics anonymous is ANONYMOUS!

if your lives are so well in hand, then make a series of self helkp videos, share your great wisdom, and become fabulously wealthy. it should be pretty easy for all these paragons of virtue who are so confident in their moral superiority as to desparage people they dont know for going to meetings with a group they dont understand.

edit: i forgot to add,

Touchy topic?

Can we infer that it worked for you?


Well-Known Member
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
You don't have to do a damn thing else but get your court card signed, if so court ordered.