
NICE reply poppy boy. You don’t think I did that. I’m trying to get it from someone who uses it rather then a general recipe on google. But thanks. That was big help
Not a problem.. but if that in fact is what you wanted,, why not ask that instead of how do you use it and how do you make it.. the organic section on this site, is where you should be asking for direct experience .. probably get faster responses as well.... Good day to you mam..
2 cups ewc or compost with a small splash of molasses in 4 gal water. Aerate 24-36 hours. I really only use this early on when transplanting or making new soil. If you use quality compost\ewc in your soil mix you don't even need it.
Shit I love aact and was hopeful when I clicked the link, now im on the fence
Calling people poppy boy is pure
Evil. But...

I use it as a root drench/foliar
There is mostly microbial or mostly fungal.

What kind you are looking for determines how you make it and what ingredients are used.

Google or search here for Heisenberg tea.

I say google because it is pretty specific, long winded and someone else has already done the writeup.

However it need not be that complex.
You can get an extract from simply soaking compost.
Make your own humic acid etc..

My microbial recipe looks something like this

5gal bucket of chlorine free roughly
76 degree water. (i get mine from my pond) and use an aquarium heater.

Cold pressed fish hydroslate
Teaspoon or two

Liquid kelp extract
Teaspoon or two

About a tablespoon molasses

Pound or two of compost or worm castings. I put it in a mesh bag.

I stir the wet ingredients in
Put the bag in
Bubble roughly 24 hours

Strain it before in goes into my garden sprayer.

Spray all my folliage

Dump the rest right in the roots.

You will see almost immediate perkyness.

Again Heisenberg tea will address
Microbial tea and fungal

My recipe should be mostly microbial

Don't tell anyone on youtube my secrets
I am an avid proponent of aact the in my experience the overall quality health and smell of my plants is better using it.