Abortion, if you object does that mean you want to control women's uteri

The obvious counter example is that if it is so moral to abort fully developed fetuses to prevent them from a malnourished and unhappy childhood then why not round up all the unhappy, malnourished urchins running the streets and gas them? That ought to be a "woman's choice" shouldn't it?

Who ever said a fully developed fetus? I never gave a timeline to when the abortion would happen.
Who ever said a fully developed fetus? I never gave a timeline to when the abortion would happen.

My apologies. I thought you were advocating, "I don't have a vagina, so I have no say in the matter. Whatever a woman wants to do is fine by me".
My apologies. I thought you were advocating, "I don't have a vagina, so I have no say in the matter. Whatever a woman wants to do is fine by me".

awwwww, it just bothers you so much that you're a fake, wannabe libertarian just like your savior rawn.

the butthurt is palpable.
He thinks killing people is ok, just not animals...

He's sensible like that.

That's not true. I have bias against all meat eating animals over vegetarian ones, even humans. But I'm like a liberal and how they deal with discrimination,"white people suck. We can't kill them, but we can treat them like shit unless they embrace white guilt. That makes them a virtual minority, but still less than a minority. Your only option is embrace the guilt or get labeled a racist."

I just change labels. Non-human meat eaters are white, with or without white guilt. Vegetarian lesser and human animals are minorities. As a minority, a vegetarian/vegan gets affirmative action.

It's real simple. So it's only ok to kill the meat eater humans. The same way it's ok to kill a cow or pig and eat it, but not ok to kill your neighbor's cat for your Asian surprise meat in the egg roll.
On the other hand could you tell me when you believe "exercising autonomy" over her own body stops and an abortion becomes an act of aggression (murder?) against another living being? When / where is your line in the sand?

It's called Roe vs. Wade. You do realize that abortions after a certain time period are illegal, right?
"could you tell me when you believe "exercising autonomy" over her own body stops and an abortion becomes an act of aggression"

Imo, birth.

Had I been aborted because of the reasons proponents present, being an intelligent, capable individual, I would accept it. I'd even go farther and appreciate it. If fetus' could acknowledge such reasons, I believe, the majority of them would also accept it. Why would you want to be born into an overpopulated world that does't have the ability or resources to support you or a family that doesn't want you?

I believe, this viewpoint, comes from the 'life is precious' perspective, when in reality, it isn't. That's not to say if you accept it is, and you want to keep your kid, it isn't, just that not ALL life is. Life.. is.. inevitable. To support it under all circumstances, even under such instances as poverty, seclusion, abuse, and neglect, is inhumane to say the least. Consider a puppy.. is THIS right, humane?;


What about this?


Or this...?

"could you tell me when you believe "exercising autonomy" over her own body stops and an abortion becomes an act of aggression"

Imo, birth.

Had I been aborted because of the reasons proponents present, being an intelligent, capable individual, I would accept it. I'd even go farther and appreciate it. If fetus' could acknowledge such reasons, I believe, the majority of them would also accept it. Why would you want to be born into an overpopulated world that does't have the ability or resources to support you or a family that doesn't want you?

I believe, this viewpoint, comes from the 'life is precious' perspective, when in reality, it isn't. That's not to say if you accept it is, and you want to keep your kid, it isn't, just that not ALL life is. Life.. is.. inevitable. To support it under all circumstances, even under such instances as poverty, seclusion, abuse, and neglect, is inhumane to say the least. Consider a puppy.. is THIS right, humane?;


What about this?


Or this...?

That's a fucking sick way to treat an animal, I'd fuck those people with a crowbar if I saw that face to face.

I like my food animals dispatched "humanely", so to see an animal kept alive and suffering like that makes my blood boil.
That's a fucking sick way to treat an animal, I'd fuck those people with a crowbar if I saw that face to face.

I like my food animals dispatched "humanely", so to see an animal kept alive and suffering like that makes my blood boil.

Same here, man. Carrying that same thought over to people makes it 10 times worse, yet the 'pro-life' camp would have you believe these types of situations are more humane than abortion.

Speaking for myself, I'd rather die before ever having been born than go through shit like that in life.. Or HIV/AIDS, downs syndrome, leukemia, etc..

That's a fucking sick way to treat an animal, I'd fuck those people with a crowbar if I saw that face to face.

I like my food animals dispatched "humanely", so to see an animal kept alive and suffering like that makes my blood boil.

hope you don't partake of fast food, ever. the way they treat their animals, whether it be chickens, cows, pigs, or others, is absolutely heartbreaking.

hell, i try to not even support any company that supports fast foods, parent companies, subsidiaries, and all the rest. it's practically impossible and i die a little inside whenever i buy a fucking coca cola. it's pretty futile, but if i am voting with my dollars i am gonna try to make every vote count.

if you're interested in seeing how your chicken mcnuggets are born, google "cal cruz hatcheries" for an example. warning: you may opt to pay a lot more for humanely raised animals in the future.
That's a fucking sick way to treat an animal, I'd fuck those people with a crowbar if I saw that face to face.

I like my food animals dispatched "humanely", so to see an animal kept alive and suffering like that makes my blood boil.

What does it matter considering the huge collective genocide humans place upon animals? I find it hilarious when meat eaters don't care about the meat of the animal they injest until it was treated "cruelly." Umm they both go through the trauma of death, retard. Whether the bull was bled to death in a bull fight, or jercked off while killed like a Kobe beef burger, it's no more dead once in your mouth. Your commodity cares nothing once dead. You didn't witness it. It doesn't exist.

This is the reality. Your demand is reason the "cruelty" takes place. So stop acting like you give a shit and just god damn say, "meat tastes good!"
What does it matter considering the huge collective genocide humans place upon animals? I find it hilarious when meat eaters don't care about the meat of the animal they injest until it was treated "cruelly." Umm they both go through the trauma of death, retard. Whether the bull was bled to death in a bull fight, or jercked off while killed like a Kobe beef burger, it's no more dead once in your mouth. Your commodity cares nothing once dead. You didn't witness it. It doesn't exist.

This is the reality. Your demand is reason the "cruelty" takes place. So stop acting like you give a shit and just god damn say, "meat tastes good!"

I would have said that I prefer the taste of humanely-killed meat.

But then again I just remembered how much I love a good foie gras. cn
What does it matter considering the huge collective genocide humans place upon animals? I find it hilarious when meat eaters don't care about the meat of the animal they injest until it was treated "cruelly." Umm they both go through the trauma of death, retard. Whether the bull was bled to death in a bull fight, or jercked off while killed like a Kobe beef burger, it's no more dead once in your mouth. Your commodity cares nothing once dead. You didn't witness it. It doesn't exist.

This is the reality. Your demand is reason the "cruelty" takes place. So stop acting like you give a shit and just god damn say, "meat tastes good!"

The air must be so thin up there on Vegan Mountain

Meanwhile you're likely using a piece of technology created by slave labor, inconsistent much?
The air must be so thin up there on Vegan Mountain

Meanwhile you're likely using a piece of technology created by slave labor, inconsistent much?

OMFG! Did those slave laborers get turned into glue and gelatin after they could no longer produce enough?

Why don't you go drink a Pepsi and get your aborted fetus RDA.
Some of them get worked until they die. ex. North Korea, China, Congo, Cambodia, ...

Are you saying it's different because nobody eats them afterwards?
I have no problems with slave labor, whether it be the lesser animals or humans. What I have a problem with is actual slavery of all animals. Every animal on this planet needs to earn its keep. Humans aren't exempt.

It's well known in vegan circles, slave chocolate gives the most bang for the buck. Along with blood dianonds. Debeer diamonds just cost too much!
I have no problems with slave labor, whether it be the lesser animals or humans. What I have a problem with is actual slavery of all animals. Every animal on this planet needs to earn its keep. Humans aren't exempt.

It's well known in vegan circles, slave chocolate gives the most bang for the buck. Along with blood dianonds. Debeer diamonds just cost too much!

What's the difference between 'slave labor' and 'slavery'?

How do you define 'slavery'?

What do you mean by 'earn its keep'?
Slavery is owning outright. Your body is no longer your own. They can kill you at will. No one cares.

Owning labor is very different. You can be: forced, compelled, indentured or until a debt is paid. You have status similar to a pet, like a dog, you force to hunt with you. If you're cruel to it, you get punished.

Are you seriously that naive? There's no longer your own person anymore. We gave that up when people decided to have a world government. Every where on this planet, every single: person, animal, plant or any other resource is claimed by the collective humans. We are here to serve this collective whether we choose to or not. The collective, under the guise of government, owns every single one of us. There's nothing we can do about it but play our role they allow us. I happily play that role so I can keep my life. My only other choice is death.