about a pound

It's cool you've been on here for years I'm not jealous I have a thing called a life glad to be a newbie cause if it takes me as long as it has you to get info about growing I'd be as retarted as you Lol And you better have your chores done by the time I get home Lol wtf. I've been on here since the beginning so I'm a real important guy blah blah blah blah. 757growin
Looks like your life is here now. You will pass my post count in a couple more months, what took me years to post. I'm on here cause I grow for a living and don't have shit to do on my down time.. can't leave my crop unattended. But your 600 plus post in a month are impressive.
Looks like your life is here now. You will pass my post count in a couple more months, what took me years to post. I'm on here cause I grow for a living and don't have shit to do on my down time.. can't leave my crop unattended. But your 600 plus post in a month are impressive.
I'm sure it's your grow keeping you at home and that makes you so extremely cool that you can't leave your house cause you grow .......I hate to break it to you lots of people have multiple gardens and leave there houses everyday .......you got one and stay home with it really lol K I'm sorry I didn't realize what a big timer you were growing one garden at your house That's amazing simply amazing I feel sooo dumb even talking to a grower of you caliber mr 757 So amazing everyone's so lucky to have you on Riu
inda crouch and inda nogrow, must be brothers
Pics or all those gardens didn't happen newbie
Lol yeah they didn't happend You got me sooooo good that time sooooo good lol. Your cute when your mad I'm guna come give you a big hug from behind so we can be friends Even though it's fun to see you mad in your 6 figure garden lol wtf Lol. Got me soooo good
Lol yeah they didn't happend You got me sooooo good that time sooooo good lol. Your cute when your mad I'm guna come give you a big hug from behind so we can be friends Even though it's fun to see you mad in your 6 figure garden lol wtf Lol. Got me soooo good
New bee! Guessing like 15 by the way you conversate. I'm not mad at all, actually having some real good fun. But those "lols" you type tell me who's mad.
New bee! Guessing like 15 by the way you conversate. I'm not mad at all, actually having some real good fun. But those "lols" you type tell me who's mad.
K I'm having fun to it's great sweet heart let's continue I've never talked to anyone with a 6 figure garden that's amazing and you've been on since 2011 so your super important to
K I'm having fun to it's great sweet heart let's continue I've never talked to anyone with a 6 figure garden that's amazing and you've been on since 2011 so your super important to
Move from that shit hole in indy, and come to California. Buy yourself a nice ranch and grow big. That's what I did but not from indy. Lesson learned.. there's lots of folks on here with 6 figure gardens but being a newbie I understand how you didn't know that.
Move from that shit hole in indy, and come to California. Buy yourself a nice ranch and grow big. That's what I did but not from indy. Lesson learned.. there's lots of folks on here with 6 figure gardens but being a newbie I understand how you didn't know that.
Bahaha!! Indacouch, are you reading this posers thread! Hahaha!!! WTF lol Lol rotfl!!
Move from that shit hole in indy, and come to California. Buy yourself a nice ranch and grow big. That's what I did but not from indy. Lesson learned.. there's lots of folks on here with 6 figure gardens but being a newbie I understand how you didn't know that.
I am from Cali smart guy if 6 figure gardens are your thing then that's cool but most dudes I know with 6 figure gardens don't usually blab about it on the internet ........kinda makes me think you have a closet grow I respect any grower big or small so the 6 figure thing don't make you any cooler pal ........