About cloning other plants!

Hello. I'm new to the forum.
I do not grow marijuana (neither do i smoke) and i'm in Karachi (Pakistan)!

Now I've been searching about cloning plants and it seems hydro/aero is the way to go about doing it. Haven't had much success with cuttings :-?

So now i wanna build a cloner but need to know if anyone has any experiencing other plants ie. not marijuana! i wanna propagate roses houseplants fruit tree cuttings etc etc. So would a wick cloner, bubbler work?

I can't build the mister with the pond pump cuz i can't get pond pumps here. Any advice would be appreciated! :D


Well-Known Member
soft wood cuttings for most woody things. many house plants can just be devided and repotted. but many roses and fruit trees for that matter are grafted onto rootstock so you really can't clone em.


Well-Known Member
tomatoes are perhaps the easiest plant in the world to clone. in my aero cloner i got roots in 3 days.

u can clone olive trees just by burying a branch, preferably sucker growth. also poplar trees can be cloned off like a 3 inch piece of branch.

i plan on cloning any of my veggies that do well over winter in a hoop house type thing here cuz seedling die off sucks lol...so ill be tryin to clone lettuce, chard, celery, etc


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to clone a "persian shield".. in an aeroponic cloner? It's a purple/irradescent plant with rather big leaves that i'd like to keep around forever.. softer stems like MJ.. Would it work?


Well-Known Member
tomatoes are perhaps the easiest plant in the world to clone. in my aero cloner i got roots in 3 days.

u can clone olive trees just by burying a branch, preferably sucker growth. also poplar trees can be cloned off like a 3 inch piece of branch.

i plan on cloning any of my veggies that do well over winter in a hoop house type thing here cuz seedling die off sucks lol...so ill be tryin to clone lettuce, chard, celery, etc
it would most likely be faster to start lettuce and chard from seed, im sure cloning is possible, but if your having a hard time with seeds then cloning them might be harder if cold is the issue/


Cloning in biology is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature when organisms such as bacteria, insects or plants reproduce asexually. Cloning in biotechnology refers to processes used to create copies of DNA fragments (molecular cloning), cells (cell cloning), or organisms.



Well-Known Member
Cloning is not always the best way to go dragoon. Some things I can't clone to save my life so I either air, root, or crown layer them. I will pull out my propagating book if you want to know the best way to reproduce persian shield but the attached pic shows a climbing hydrangea being air layered and one being stem layered
Good luck.
