? about hermi seeds growing hermies


Well-Known Member
a buddy grew a plant this year that was an awesome looking plant but was a hermi. he told me he put it by itself and let it pollenate itself. question is will the seeds produce hermi plants? im pretty sure i remember reading somewhere that all the seeds off that plant will grow nothing but hermies. so whats the deal?? thanks for the info guys!


Well-Known Member
all hermies? maybe, maybe not, depends on the genetic stew inside, which can be tough to predict
i had the same deal, hermie plant with a bunch of S1 seeds, grown out 2
one was beautiful, no hermie trace at all, the other was a full on hermie just like mom


Well-Known Member
hmm just grew 2 huh? trying to keep the hermies out of here but could use some of those seeds. had some real problems with his outdoor stuff this year he said as far as hermies go. he said he had a bunch and he kept that one plant that now is nothing but seed. dont know wether i want to use some of his seeds or not...


Active Member
i have had plants go hermie before and produce a few seeds. They have all been female for me with a couple going herm but only about 10% male parts. If they herm they seem to be very similar to the mother so if you have a male dominant herm then you will most likely get the same if the seeds are prone to herming


Well-Known Member
ya from what i saw on the plant it was pretty male dominant. LOTS of pollen. ive heard of people using tweezers to pluck the pollen pods off but this thing was full of pollen. like 90% of the plant was pollen pods. he recently cut the plant down, shook out a bunch of seeds and made some bubble hash with the rest of the plant that turned out alright. but for the price of seeds i wouldnt mind taking some off his hands but dont want to risk a hermi popping up in my grow room unnoticed.


Active Member
If they're male dominant its not worth your time plucking them, they'll just keep coming. I'd go for it and just keep an eye on them when they flower, if its a female dominant herm then it shouldn't give you too many seeds. I only ever got a dozen seeds at the most if I didn't notice 'til harvest time


Well-Known Member
If they're male dominant its not worth your time plucking them, they'll just keep coming. I'd go for it and just keep an eye on them when they flower, if its a female dominant herm then it shouldn't give you too many seeds. I only ever got a dozen seeds at the most if I didn't notice 'til harvest time
oh i know i told him he could pluck them and he said to come look at it. when i saw it i knew there was no way in hell he was plucking all those off. just for an idea it was outdoor, a nirvana freebie seed i gave him, about 6 feet tall, and hes got a good thousand seeds or so lol


Well-Known Member
In my personal experience, Most of those seeds will be hermie. Just my 2 cents, Ive had hermies pollinate themselves and others around and it and all the seeds I tried ( prob 30 or so) came out hermie


Well-Known Member
In my personal experience, Most of those seeds will be hermie. Just my 2 cents, Ive had hermies pollinate themselves and others around and it and all the seeds I tried ( prob 30 or so) came out hermie
damn alright thanks man. maybe ill use those seeds for some of my outdoor stuff in their own little spot and keep a good eye on them.


Well-Known Member
For what its worth, All the seeded bud was super sticky and potent. But all of the seeds were crap in my opinion. Gluck Dro. Hows the new state pimpin?


Well-Known Member
not too bad man, got an awesome new indoor set up here now thats up and running and the funs already started. got a couple little plants i brought with me that are flowering and getting pretty stinky so i cant wait for that to be done and by that time my 12/12 from a seed indoor stuff will be getting about done as well i believe.


Well-Known Member
that it is. already quite stinky. going to hang them inside the house when they are done. should stink the house up pretty good ;)


Active Member
In my experience, yes they will. When I was a 150w cab grower I used 4 seeds from a previous grows hermy so that I wouldn't have to cull males. All 4 hermed way worse than the plant they cam from. I got what had to have been 1000+ seeds from 4 hermies pollinating each other and themselves LOL. Worst mistake I've made growing was planting hermie seeds. DON'T DO IT!!!
I WOULD FUCKNG RUN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION! If anyone is gonna tell you that your herm will produce all female seeds they are mis informing ya. Not sayin youve been told that, just throwin that out there. A hermie plant that self pollinates will only produce more hermi seeds, end of story. Whether or not those seeds show signs of herming early or later on in flowering is what is important if you really want to grow hermies. If the show early on in flowering you're fucked. If they show up later on in flowering you can pluck them or even if you don't the chances of them pollinating themselves and producing seeds is pretty weak. There's a reason breeders pollinate only during certain windows early on in flowering. I think when people talk about ending up with a few seeds per oz of meds is the plant selfing itself due to pro longed flowering. Basically if you flower a plant longer than it would like you to its last natural instince to produce young is to self pollinate. In my oppinion this isn't a hermie issue, its a natural instinct that most growers avoid. Just my. 02 but I wouldn't waste any money or time on seeds that you already know came from a hermie mother.

Ohh yeah and if you do pull a single seed or two from a fully mature bud the chances are pretty good that it will be female and stay female. Again this is different than a hermie just throwing nanners and pollinating itself from the get go.



Well-Known Member
i will repost my own hermie experience, actually in my sig about growing out hermie seeds
2 out of 3 of these hermie seeds have been grown out, one is in final week of flower
2 out of 3 showed no trace of male blooms, 1 did and it was very early and pronounced
but there is a 'common' knowledge out there, all hermie seeds will produce hermies, simply not true
now what are the percentages? that is less clear
I disagree but thats what's fun about this board. I feel that a hermie mom will only produce hermie children regardless if they are in the form of seeds or clones (obviously clones being an absolute guarantee its gonna hermie. I feel it's whether or not the offspring shows the hermie trait handed down from their mom early enough for it to be considered a hermie and not so late in flowering it's really not gonna make much difference anyways. Look at it like like an illness that may remain dormant well enough to appear completely normal and or healthy regardless if it's family is a bunch of he/shes. Again just my .02 and why I love this board! Everyones experience is different and the compilation of them all makes this board what it is...
