About how much longer until flush?


Well-Known Member
Listen to em... they know what their sayin. And flush or don’t. Your choice, just don’t do nothin (as in don’t flush or stop feeding) till after at least 8 weeks. Just sayin


Well-Known Member
Also... don’t even look at the trichomes before the hairs change color (yes 99%) then start thinking harvest.. but take your time. It’s the most critical time in growing imo


Active Member
Also... don’t even look at the trichomes before the hairs change color (yes 99%) then start thinking harvest.. but take your time. It’s the most critical time in growing imo
I was figuring I had atleast 2 weeks left. And what I was told was to flush the last 2 weeks to make the smoke smoother. So was figuring if I asked if get some other opinions. And it would help me figure out how I wanted to go about it.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
If you are going to flush it let it mature 1st, personally I'd ignore stuff about not feeding the plant while it's maturing.


Well-Known Member
Flush turds not your plants ... ween down last feeding then simple watering as needed.

2 weeks plus a ton of patience


Well-Known Member
The trichs you wanna be looking at are on buds not leaves and also not the top bud, need to be looking at the ones underneath the top... Patience little grasshopper ,,, Good luck ! :bigjoint:


Active Member
I do DWC so flushing is easy , I do it 3 or 4 days b4 the chop . Do I notice a difference ? , meh , sometimes I think so but mostly I flush them due to being a bit " paranoid "about chemicals , taste etc . I've heard so many arguments on this one , so Im on the fence , but one thing I know for sure is that when I've flushed nothing bad has happened . Good luck.