About how much would it cost for a 60 plant SoG Setup?


Active Member
Plus the costs of converting an open area in the basement into an enclosed locked facility (operating under the new michigan law)? Any estimates would be helpful.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
pretty vauge question. Hydro or soil, all lighting material and bulbs, reflective sheeting, tables, nutes, and on and on and on.... It sounds like a fairly hefty undertaking. When you start your project make a thread, i'd like to see it. 60 plants all scrog would require about 2x2 for each plant and that adds up to alot of room when you take in the fact you have to space them so you can get to them.... good luck


Well-Known Member
couldn't tell you an exact amount, but it will be a fairly large amount...just in lighting. There's only a few people on this board doing that kind of undertaking.

A friend of mine grew a couple dozen plants and the total ran well into the thousands.


Well-Known Member
u can grow 60 small plants just for top colas,u can use cfl's and 20'oz pop/water bottles and soil..in a small space..that whould by the cheapest..but even that takes some know how..better do some reading...good luck, peace..