About to clone my plant....Help please


Need help on the cloning process. I have a cloning bubbler with a dome. Can someone help me. Do the clones go into the small (pre soaked) rockwool ? Should my clone be directly in the bubbler ? What cloning powder do you recoment. How should my nutrients be during this next couple weeks ? When can the clones move up to the 600 watt Veg. chamber.



Well-Known Member
allot of questions man lol well you should post some pics of your cloning system did you buy it or make it?? i wouldnt recommend rockwool for cloning unless you really know how to clone in them. i use earth juice rooting gel works pretty well but if im not mistaken you dont have to use anything if you dont want in a DWC cloner some pics will be helpfull though usually dwc cloner is like areo cloner and they use neoprene collars for medium because where you make your cut on the stem should be in the water.
Something that helped me after the first time I cloned was making sure I cut the plants at a nice 45 degree angle. More clones took faster than the first time I did it with a straight cut. Water only until the roots are showing well and you put them into your veg chamber. I use Clonex cloning gel and it works well for me, but I know there are several out there that work well. Oh and the clones go directly into the rockwool assuming the cloning bubbler is what I think it is. Look for some online cloning guides as most of them have the step by step info.


Well-Known Member
Cut plant from mother put the cutting underwater and slice a 45 degree cut while still under water. Then I use a razor blade, I go up the stem an inch stab it then slice it down to open the stem up. I will then dip in clonex put in bubbler I have roots in a week with sativas indicas maybe a lil longer I have a 100% success rate.


Well-Known Member
well you've got thngs mixed up. rockwool cloning is one thing and bubbler is another. they dont fit together. if you place clones in rw and in bubbler the rw will be always saturated and will drown the stems. just stick stems in bubbler directly. the post above is good advice, scarification helps a lot. don't use any fertilizer on cuttings, will burn them and they cannot feed on them without roots anyway. clones can move under 600w after they have only a bit of root growth and after you give them a slight feeding like 1/4 strength in the cloner. if they wilt you can move light away from them. i also have to put my light 15mins on 15 min off until they get used to it. it's better to remove the dome as soon as they begin rooting. they might wilt because theyr used to the hi humidity, just mist them.


Active Member
Cut plant from mother put the cutting underwater and slice a 45 degree cut while still under water. Then I use a razor blade, I go up the stem an inch stab it then slice it down to open the stem up. I will then dip in clonex put in bubbler I have roots in a week with sativas indicas maybe a lil longer I have a 100% success rate.
Word. Pretty much what I do, except I use scalpels instead of razors on all cuts, and I also soak the cuts in a B1 solution for ~30 mins before going into the aero cloner. Pretty much 100% success rate here also.



Here's the pics of my mother and the cloning bubbler.......It came with small rockwool cubes.....very small and little baskets


Well-Known Member
is that your mother??? have you cloned in your bubbler yet im interested in it its a kick ass design i like the humidity dome thats a good idea just want to know how well they work before i go building one.


Well-Known Member
Need help on the cloning process. I have a cloning bubbler with a dome. Can someone help me. Do the clones go into the small (pre soaked) rockwool ? Should my clone be directly in the bubbler ? What cloning powder do you recoment. How should my nutrients be during this next couple weeks ? When can the clones move up to the 600 watt Veg. chamber.

Yes I have to agree that is a lot of questions to ask at once especially since it looks like you wanted the board to answer them without you doing any of your own work which causes all kinds of miss information and crazy ideas thrown at you confusing even more people that read your thread.

My suggestion would be to start here https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/15030-batch-clones-rockwool.html Look around some other threads about cloning with people giving advice that can show they know what they are doing and THEN come back and ask more educated questions.

Your welcome

Read my sig for ideas.



Well-Known Member
well i decided today to try out this DWC cloner so i built one for like 30 bucks i used neoprene inserts instead of a net pot pretty easy to make here are some pics got some clones in there hope this works good seems like it will.



Well-Known Member
well i decided today to try out this DWC cloner so i built one for like 30 bucks i used neoprene inserts instead of a net pot pretty easy to make here are some pics got some clones in there hope this works good seems like it will.
Hey that is nice!! I need to upgrade mine as well I need 20 clones regularly and I have only 20 spots. Not good when you get only 18


Well-Known Member
Hey that is nice!! I need to upgrade mine as well I need 20 clones regularly and I have only 20 spots. Not good when you get only 18
me to man i need 20 at a time so i got one big enough for a 30 site and will just take 25 to 30 at a time and just pick the best 20 and use rest for compost and replacement moms.


Ok so I took all my clones out of the bubbler ( which had major rooting) put the clones in the pre-soaked rockwool cubes.......and five minutes later all the leaves were dropping and shriveling up. What do I do to fix.....


Well-Known Member
Ok so I took all my clones out of the bubbler ( which had major rooting) put the clones in the pre-soaked rockwool cubes.......and five minutes later all the leaves were dropping and shriveling up. What do I do to fix.....
You crushed the roots!!!! If you are lucky they will come back if not you get to start over. Clones out of a bubbler or areo cloner usually go into a loose medium not stuffed like a turkey into RW.


Well-Known Member
i agree crushed them it sounds like to me if it where me just straight from the bubbler to hydroton no rockwool thats what im going to do not using rapid rooter or rockwool anymore.


Well-Known Member
i agree crushed them it sounds like to me if it where me just straight from the bubbler to hydroton no rockwool thats what im going to do not using rapid rooter or rockwool anymore.
Are you saying go from the neoprene into the clay pellets? Are you leaving it in the sleave and putting that into the hydroton or taking it out of the sleave.. Sorry I'm new to cloning and am about to try to take some clones =)


Well-Known Member
pop it right out of the neoprene sleeve and bury the roots. the roots actually cling to the hydroton anyway and stabilize themselves nicely in a few days.


Active Member
Well I dont use nothing but starter cubes...not RW but kinda the same idea.... heat pad humidity dome and propagation tray. I soak the cubes in PH balanced water until they nice and wet get some steaming hot water and put in the bottom of the tray, take the cuting at 45 degree, scrape of the top layer of green, dip in Olivias cloning gel, stick in cube and stick cube in the insert and repeat that about 45 more times then spray and put the dome on. The hot water will keep everythng moist for 2 weeks so all i have to really do is add more hot water after like 7 days. I have also started to give a real light mist of full stength nutes (the stuff i spray my moms with daily) once every 7 days, i notice that helps with the nitrogen, they stay nice and green no yellowing! I know they say dont use nutes but thats not really giving them nutes, i think they can take a lil light foiler feed since they been at full strength when they were on the mother. I like to wait until the roots pop thru the cube so that way i know we gots no problems. at about 12 days i put them into the tent with the mothers with the humidifier and start to pulling the dome back. This is about a 2 week process but they are ready for 12/12 at exactly 14 days after cutting.