about to give up. and hopefully start fresh


Well-Known Member
so my plants are starting to fuck up. yellow spots. wilting plants, dying plants. a couple i have left are completely normal no problems. i never checked my ph on my soil. i thought i had shit down, but i really didnt. i thought it would be ok. i think i am going to scrap this grow next week and start fresh with good seeds from a seed bank. its my bday next week and i will have paper to do that with. i just think this is a better idea. i post some stuff in problems and journal and you can see the problems. they are only 3 weeks old and from a bag of middies. im not that worried about it. i think i am going to order seeds from a reliable source and get everything set up right. use only peat moss and perlite. vermiculite and blood and bone meal seemed to make my soil clay-ey and clumpy. what do you guys think i should do?

heres a link to my problem thread


i think i am going to start fresh in a week or two ordering good seeds, any ideas for a seed bank. and i live in the midwest. is it ok to ship to my house? i just am so pissed right now and i just think i fucked everything up bad. like i said they are 3 weeks old so not much lost. want to start fresh with some DANK DANK shit. just a thought. i am going to let this grow ride out and if morep lants keep dying i am trashing this grow. i started with 12 healthy ones. one by one they are dying and wilting and what not. anyone know of a good seedbank/ indica strain (my room is only 42" tall. then you have to add in a 6" light reflector and everything else.


Active Member
I would just scrap em and save the money instead of buying nutes and such to rescue the plants and improve your setup and such


Well-Known Member
chalk it up to experience and move on.. im in the midwest as well and i got my seeds from dr chronic with no issue. i would definitely order from him again!!


Well-Known Member
Im in the same situation.But I just been experimenting with just what I had.Some shity off brand potting soil,seeds from my last bag(no idea what strain),2 100w compact flourescent.4 of 8 sprouted.Looks like one is already dying.2 just look perfect.I thinking about going out in the woods & droping them in somewhere.I need beter equitment & soil to ensure a good grow.I am thinking about going with this seed bank.Heard nothing but good about em.I saw some that posted on here to use the shirt for the stealth shiping.Site gives you choice of either a dvd case or shirt.


Well-Known Member
sweet. thanks for input guys. luckily i found some peatmoss/perlite seed starting soil mix. so i transplanted 5 of them to it and 3 are pretty healthy. my goal is to have on big female in a bush form tied down. i think things might just work out.


Well-Known Member
the nutes did some unreversable damage. but like i said i transplanted 5 to a no - nute soil mix and they bounced back. well 3 of em. one of em looks real good no nute burn or nothing. 2 are wilted and 2 kinda have yellow spots but they might bounce back. either way my goal is one female. i think these seeds are feminized.


Well-Known Member
the nutes did some unreversable damage. but like i said i transplanted 5 to a no - nute soil mix and they bounced back. well 3 of em. one of em looks real good no nute burn or nothing. 2 are wilted and 2 kinda have yellow spots but they might bounce back. either way my goal is one female. i think these seeds are feminized.

if i were you I'd just keep growing them, i severely overwatered 2 of my plants early and they looked like SHIT. I mean seriously like just 2 stems and maybe 4 tiny leaves that stood 6'' tall. I was so close to pulling them but decided not to and now they are some of my best plants. just be patient and dont give up, dont waste all that work either. :weed: