About to Harvest, have a question I cant find an answer to by searching

Hey all,

This is my third grow. I have the growing part down, in fact id say im not too bad at it based on my results from the previous grow and this current grow.

Im going to spare the details of my setup, plant ect because it makes no difference.

All you need to know is that I am drying in my tent after harvest. It is a 2.5' x 2.5' x 5' tent with one opened intake hole measuring 5" in diameter with a td-125 exhaust fan pulling about 150cfm through a carbon scrubber thats inside the tent. This is where I will be drying.

Conditions for drying will be ~55-65% humidity (it ranged between that with lights off) with an average humidity of about 60%

Temperatures will be between 63-70 degrees

So as you can see I have pretty near ideal drying conditions, my only concern at this point is that my fan pulls too much air and will dry my buds too quickly, but the problem is everything i have read says you need a fan blowing lightly across the buds ect. I say hell no

In the past, I have had fans lightly and i mean LIGHTLY blow across my buds and still they are dry in like 5 days max. Woohoo, this is great right? NOPE! Each time this happens, my buds lose basically 100% of their smell. This is to be expected of course, so this is why we cure.

well after a 6 month cure, my buds gained a little smell although it didnt smell like weed at all it just smelled meh. The only time they smelled was when i would break a good chunk off and grind it up. Then i could smell that fruity goodness i smelled when they were growing, but it was still pretty mild in terms of how strong it smelled. the outside of the buds had that hay smell people talk about but much more reserved. They were placed in the jars as soon as they felt crispy on the outside but stems still would bend, but not too much. In my opinion it was that ideal bend vs snap dryness that is perfect for jars. They went into jars after the 5 days of drying but it was still a LITTTTTTLE too damp so they got hit with the brown bag for about 24 hours to reach the perfect dryness. In the end after a month in jars they didnt smell great but had a perfect dryness to them to where they werent bone dry but still felt a little tiny bit wet and soft which is how i like my buds

My question is, after all the reading that says zomg dry slow for like 2 weeks then brown bag it for 3 days then jar it. I cant do that, and have no idea how people let their buds dry that long. If i left mine for 2 weeks they would fall apart as they went into the jars. How can i slow my dry time down to keep the smell of my buds. Ive grown three different strains so there is no way this can be a "oh some buds dont smell really" because ive never recieved buds from the dispensary that smelled like mine do when i dry and cure. And both times ive had buds that cured for 6 months that still didnt smell right.


Well-Known Member
Well IMO stop the exoust fan. I dry in a 4x4x6 tent. Hang buds in the top half. I put a humidifyer on the grown and a small house fan on the grown aimed slightly down. Just to move air. Never on the buds. My temps are 66-70 with 60% and still after 4 days I jar.
Hmm, I may have to try that. The main reason I want the exhaust fan going is to bring fresh air in and keep the smell from getting too strong. I am a legal grower but my living situation means I have neighbors very very close by and dont want to draw any attention to myself.


Well-Known Member
IMO you are drying too fast, if you jar it and it becomes damp it was not ready to jar and was not as dry as you thought. You ruined the taste an smell by trying to dry to fast then u sweated it in jars and that does not help because now it is damp again but also by making damp u rushed the whole process even if you air it in a paper bag you still rushed it and it didnt dry evenly hanging. Had you left it hanging 2 more days rather than sweating it and paperbag drying for 24 hours I bet it would smell and taste better. BTW I never jar until the STEM SNAPS, it doesnt have to explode snap but still a good snap.

I'd be willing to go all in and bet you ruined the taste by jaring to soon and changed the taste by making it damp before it truely dried correctly. I hang at least 7 to 10 days and even then I must watch out for dampness after jaring for a few days. Sometimes I think they are too dry and after jarring for a day I have to air em for a while.

Even after drying for 7-10 days I can smoke it and its Fire taste and smell, the cure makes it even better.....slow your drying process down and see if that helps. I had same problem as you, i got the growing part down but ruined the drying/cure over and over...5 days deffff too soon!!!!
I am a little confused as to how putting it in jars suddenly ruins it? I feel like I have read plenty of guides that say as soon as the bud is crispy on the outside and the stems bend and almost snap to put them in jars. If they are still damp then remove them and paper bag them or leave the jar open for a day then close it and see if that fixes it.

I dont understand how slightly underestimating how dry my buds are would instantly ruin the whole drying process. In theory, putting htem in jars too soon would actually be better than too late because you can burp the jars or leave them open to help dry the little bit that was too wet before that ideal "jar dryness" you want when you start the cure.

From what I have read there are two causes to shit smelling buds
A) you didnt cure, therefore you suck and your buds smell like shit
B) you dried too fast (aka they dried in 3 days vs a week NOT that you dry and put them in jars while they are still too wet)

In my case, B is my problem as i have no problem letting bud cure for 6 months, unless opening the jar to get buds out ruins the cure? Maybe all this time I havent been curing but i was under the impression you could open the jar during the cure process. Should i let my buds dry, and burp my jar for a week or w.e tot get the moisture perfect then seal it for 3 months and never open it at all? Doesnt seem to make sense considering the point of a cure is to let the bud have time to break down all the chlorophyll ect

Apparently then, my problem is my bud dries too fast. The thing is, without a fan and with a fan it dries the same speed (a few days, never a week or more). How the fuck do i fix that? Like i said my conditions seem ideal, and if anything lean more towards the "danger mold may form" type of conditions that are said to slow down the drying process.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
...Apparently then, my problem is my bud dries too fast...
this. i think a lot of the drying and curing guides leave out one of the most important details, which is bud density.

i have found that with buds that are very dense, i prefer to cut them from the main stem and dry them flat, and when they are airier i leave them on the branch to dry.

leaving the stem on will always make the drying process take longer, and almost always results in more evenly dried bud as it is always drawing moisture from the stem.

one of the things that sticks out to me when i first started all this is fdd's harvest time tutorial. he said something to the effect of "if i can light a joint and it stays lit they are ready for the jars" i have found this to be basically true. basically you want them as moist as possible while still being able to roll 'em up and smoke 'em. this is the sweet spot for curing. if you can't keep it lit they are too wet. if it burns fast (or even normally) they are getting too dry. it should be a pain to smoke but it should still burn is the point.

i find that when bud is ready for the jar the outside is dry but if you try to pull a thick peice off the stem it still makes that string down the side of the stem before it breaks off. sometimes you can't wait for the stem to do this or that. sometimes you just have to have a feel for it and be hyper vigilant with the burping.

opening the jar to get smoke or whatever is only a problem if the buds are too dry. if i turn the jar upside down and the buds don't stick to the bottom for a second before they drop, i won't even open the jar, i'll just shake it a bit to separate the buds. if they don't stick to anything there's no moisture on the outside of them to "burp"


Well-Known Member
If you dry too fast the chlorophyll will lock into the bud, even if you say dry it in 5 days and then you put it in a jar and it becomes damp the damage is done and the chlorophyll is locked in.

Apparently your buds were not dry if they were damp after jarring and could have been left up another day or two....you almost got it right but need to let it dry lil more than you think. Its not instantly ruining it but it does CHANGE THE TASTE AND SMELL if it starts getting damp, the whole idea of burping and opening jar is so it DOES NOT get damp and if it is damp then you fucked up and need to let it dry lil longer next time. Im telling you I did what you are doing and kept reading what u are reading saying wtf....the slower you dry without getting mold the better your smoke will be, if your shit is damp or getting damp you are fucking it up.

To slow down the drying process when its hot I use an A/C and the first day it is set on 60, the next day I raise it to 62 and so on, rarely would it be ready on 7th day and 10 days is about what it takes me to dry my herb, since I stoped jarring so early and drying longer my BUDS TASTE AND SMELL 100% Better.

Right now I have some hanging but its cold as fuck so just using a fan to move air around and no A/C, I will NOT jar it before 7 days even if it feels like its ggonna crumble cuz when u jar it it will moist a lil but not really damp like problem u r having etc etc.
Thats the thing, by your statement if i overdry then ill still get a good amell with a cure. My frst harvest was a tad too dry and still smelled shitty. This shouldnt be the hardest part of growing


Well-Known Member
Because you dried it too fast and locked in the green chlorophyll? Im not saying to overdry it, im just saying it was not as dry as you "THOUGHT" and to let it dry a tad bit more but as SLOWLY as you can. So you need to dry lil more but slower is what im saying.


Well-Known Member
Practice makes perfect, ever made cookies from scratch? I bet if you make cookies from scratch 10x batch 6-7-8-9-10 would taste better than batch 1-2-3-4-5-

it will not be until you perfected and know how thru experince to get what you are looking for.....trust me dude ive been there.....
Thats the thing though, its not possible to dry it slower? 60% and low temps are how people slow it down and that clearly hasnt helped me. My buds arent super dense (150watt hps) so that also decreases my drying time. Which means bud density should play a role in ideal dry time right? So 2 weeks might be needed for super dense fat buds but a weekmight work for fluffier smaller buds. I mean i can only do so much to sliw it down. Lets pretend in a boss at knowing when its ready for jars, how do i judge if it got to that point too quickly? And how do i slow it down?


Well-Known Member
Well, my little bro likes to dry his fast and he dries his in the garage in 3-5 days....he doesnt water for a few days before harvest and the plant is already drying out? But little bros buds were harsh, nice looking and ok smelling but harsh on the throat. No cure could "cure" it.

I watered normaly and watered early am few hours before harvest and dried in my bedroom so it took longer to dry? The dense indica stuff took 10-12 days and the fluffy sativa took about 7-9 days.....

do you stop watering before harvest or do you water before harvest?
In the past I have just watered whenever it was due for a water. I never purposely water the day before harvest or wait to harvest until the soil is dry.

I watered this morning at about 12:30 am (my light cycle is opposite the natural light cycle for temperature reasons) and plan to harvest tomorrow at like 9am.

Would you recommend watering right before harvest? I have no problem hitting them once more with a light watering tonight?

All I want to do is dry my buds at the proper speed that allows them to break down the correct way prior to the cure. whatever the fuck i need to do to give that fucking chloraphyll time to breakdown before going into jars I will do.

So far what it sounds like is in order to dry you need to do the follwing things
-humidty should be 45-55%
-temps should be 60-75 degrees
-buds should be trimmed and manicured (ive heard this makes no difference if you wait until its dry or not, i personally do it before drying) prior to being hung up
-dry your buds until they are crispy on the outside and the stems just begin to snap for at least 7+ days, if they are dry before that 7th day its been dried too fast and will smell like shit
-put them in jars
-"burp" the jars to help release any excess moisture for the purpose of preventing mold only
-seal the jar for 1 month + to cure

am i missing anything?


Well-Known Member
Well since your buds seem to dry too fast yes, I would harvest a few hours after watering and lights came on.....I would think that would help slow the drying process at least a little bit.

If I watered at 12:30 am I would try to harvest a few hours after like 3:30-4:30 am and try to harvest with as much water in the plant as you can, I think the plant sucks in most of the water pretty quick.

Also I think you trimming it makes it dry faster, I do NOT trim untill dry for 3 reasons....they might be BS but I think when you trim and manicure it wet the natural oils come out on the bud affecting taste and it dries faster with less to dry. Plus leaving the fan leafs protect all the THC from any dust,light..etc etc.

Since you heard it makes no difference I would leave it alone til dried and I think that might help make the drying process slightly longer?


Well-Known Member
Thats the thing, by your statement if i overdry then ill still get a good amell with a cure. My frst harvest was a tad too dry and still smelled shitty. This shouldnt be the hardest part of growing

its the general consensus that a slow dry results in better smoke..


Well-Known Member
im trying to keep it in bags from drying out too quickly.. i feel that take em all in the paper bag and dry em slowly in that instead of hang, just shake the bag around a bit a few times a day..>>>>-------------------->>


Well-Known Member
Another way to slow it down is leave the stims as long as you can. Buds will draw mosture from them. It's a pain to trim but can give an extra day of dry.