About to have a heart attack - WTF is this?? HERMIE!? PLEASE HELP.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
fem seeds are not guaranteed 100% female they sometimes are male stress may cause them to hermi but for the most part the hermi trait has been bread out


New Member
really,can you go into more detail on how a hermi changes the genetics of other plants around it:-?
dont try testing my knowlage, u know full well what is possible to happen if u leavce herms in the same room as good fems.:wall: i think ur just trying to be funny


New Member
Just a small slly question. I have 1 plant, from a feminised seed, is this actually a garunteed female? like no chance of it turning hermie on my ass?
I heard also if you stress a female out too much it will turn male?
any plant can tern herm, wetha it is 100%fem o a regualr plant, just treat em right and theyl treat u right in return. taffo

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
really,can you go into more detail on how a hermi changes the genetics of other plants around it:-?
Herms don't cause other plants to go herm. The only risk is pollination of the other females. The seed will produce all females, or females with herms. BTW Not all bad


New Member
why are you people quoting me on the Q: i asked taffo on this statement?:confused:
my mistake!!!!!!!!!

i meant if u leave a fem thats hermied in the same grow room u run the risk of pollinating all the healthy females, meaning ul end up turning good healthy bud into seedy bud, i know what ide rather and it certainly isnt spending my time picking seed outa what could have been seed free bud!!!!

now do u understand what i was trying to say???:mrgreen:


New Member
my point is that i buy seed to grow bud, not buy seed to grow seed, again thats only my opinion, peace!!