About to kill my only plant...

naw dude i live in mass and cops are very reasonable, in my town atleast, as long as your not a wife beater or crack dealer. and besides an angry ex girlfriends phone call is not probable cause to search someones residence to turn up one pot plant. keep it man
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorn, but Cultivation - of any amount (exception for patients or caregivers)- is a felony in Cali? That seems harsh

Possession is only a misdemeanor, but if they show up with a warrant, and you have grow equipment there, they could charge you with cultivation.

Legally she was an accessory to the crime, so if she has even a little common sense shell keep her mouth shut.

Go with your gut
naw dude i live in mass and cops are very reasonable, in my town atleast, as long as your not a wife beater or crack dealer. and besides an angry ex girlfriends phone call is not probable cause to search someones residence to turn up one pot plant. keep it man

Mass Law is more reasonable:Sale or CultivationLess than 50 lbs (first offense) misdemeanor2 years$5,000

Know what the law it in your state: http://norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=4516

Keep it. I can't imagine prosecuting you, you could keep it under 1 ounce and all you can get is a $100 ticket. I do understand the punishment for cultivation is more severe but that is to deter those in it to profit. Government hates competition.