its his place you need to get out on your own , if you were here and bitched about anything i did you and you're little bitch plant would be on the curve , it still sucks he clipped a bud before it was ripe
Your helping him out, even more reason to kick his i said earlier, we both pay for everything 50/50. The reason his name is on the lease only is long story but ends with me popping up out of no where to help his poor ass out when he signed a 12 month lease by himself that he cant afford.
But yea. def not cool to cut the bud before its ripe.
so after i told my roomate not to try any of the bud he decides to go behind my back while im not at the house, snip a piece off, about 1g. This is when the plant is only 6 weeks into flowering (if that). This is a northern lights grow. Anyway, then he decides to put the piece of bud (totally immature bud) in some aluminum foil in a drawer in his room. I find the bud all wet and gross with nothing trimmed and a bunch of foliar leaves all over. I have not even started flushing the plant or adding molasses. Mind you, i have told him everything about what i am going to do (flushing, molasses blah, blah). I told him not to go up during dark times. guess what he does? yup. and then snips the bud off. So i am about to kill him. He even asked me if he could snip a piece off, i told him to go buy an 8th and chill for like 2-3 more weeks. but nooooooo. So now i am going to kill him. please convince me not to.
so after i told my roomate not to try any of the bud he decides to go behind my back while im not at the house, snip a piece off, about 1g. This is when the plant is only 6 weeks into flowering (if that). This is a northern lights grow. Anyway, then he decides to put the piece of bud (totally immature bud) in some aluminum foil in a drawer in his room. I find the bud all wet and gross with nothing trimmed and a bunch of foliar leaves all over. I have not even started flushing the plant or adding molasses. Mind you, i have told him everything about what i am going to do (flushing, molasses blah, blah). I told him not to go up during dark times. guess what he does? yup. and then snips the bud off. So i am about to kill him. He even asked me if he could snip a piece off, i told him to go buy an 8th and chill for like 2-3 more weeks. but nooooooo. So now i am going to kill him. please convince me not to.
Tell him you'll snip off his cock while he sleeps if he snips off any of your girls again! Also I think your math is waaay off.... An 8th wont keep anyone covered for 2-3 weeks....
was about to say piss in his closet.piss on his bed !!!!!!!!!!!1
This thread is full of hate and i hate to see that. Sure the roommate fucked up, but in this economy, be glad you got one, especially one that is cool with keeping your secret.
He fucked up, give him a chance to apologize and make amends. I have to wonder, how you found a one G piece in foil? Did you go into his room? If so, why? It sounds like two people in that house have a little growing up to do.
Go ahead and bitch slap him, and watch what happens to your grow and your freedom.
I would have a long and frank discussion, advising him that you can't live with a thief, even if it is only a plant, and that he'll need to show you better respect in the future. Friends don't come easy now a days, like they did in the past when we all went to school and shit. If you even remotely like this guy, handle it like an adult and all will be good. Most of the responses in this thread are just goading you to take action that may have severe repurcusions.
This thread is full of hate and i hate to see that. Sure the roommate fucked up, but in this economy, be glad you got one, espeecially one that is cool with keeping your secret.
He fucked up, give him a chance to apologize and make amends. I have to wonder, how you found a one G piece in foil? Did you go into his room? If so, why? It sounds like two people in that house have a little growing up to do.
Go ahead and bitch slap him, and watch what happens to your grow and your freedom.
I would have a long and frank discussion, advising him that you can't live with a thief, even if it is only a plant, and that he'll need to show you better respect in the future. Friends don't come easy now a days, like they did in the past when we all went to school and shit. If you even remotely like this guy, handle it like an adult and all will be good. Most of the responses in this thread are just goading you to take action that may have severe repurcusions.
just move his xbox/ps3/guitar/whatever hes attached to into your room and whehn he asks where it is jus say something along the lines of " yeah its annoying when ppl just take your shit without asking isnt it?"
Anyone ever had a bad day and nabbed someone else beer from the fridge knowing that you shouldn't and he has it there most likely because he wants it. Shit happens, people can make bad decisions. I'm sure you're not mr perfect, we all like to think we are faultless but hey, wake up, we all do things that really piss others off whether we know it or not. Have you asked him why he did it? Directly questioned him on it?
dont kill him, just take a shit on his most valued possession
Yes i did ask him why part of my plant was missing. He told me where the aluminum foil was in his bedroom. lol i didn't go looking through his bedroom as someone else had suggested. Anyway, we've been good friends since we were little so i really need to just talk to him.
Anyone ever had a bad day and nabbed someone else beer from the fridge knowing that you shouldn't and he has it there most likely because he wants it. Shit happens, people can make bad decisions. I'm sure you're not mr perfect, we all like to think we are faultless but hey, wake up, we all do things that really piss others off whether we know it or not. Have you asked him why he did it? Directly questioned him on it?