About to lose 16 purple widows. 8 feet tall to mold what can i do?

The title pretty much summed it up...i have cut the branches that were affected by the mold off the plant but its comin back. Im a new grower so anything you can tell me about preventing mold would be helpful and i would be grateful. thanx for taking the time


Active Member
Last year I had some mold problems on my grow. I treated with the milk/baking soda solution and had pretty good results in keeping it under control. I used 1/4 cup skim milk + 1 tblspoon baking soda to 1 gal water and sprayed onto the affected areas. The idea behind this is to change the ph of the water with the baking soda to an intolorable ph ( for the mold) and the milk, I believe, provides bacteria that attack the mold, although I may be wrong on that last part. Regardless it does work. It's also safe for treating the buds as well. There are many good products on the market that will also help keep mold under control. Just make sure that whatever you use it is safe for use on your plants and not toxic to you.