Try picking up a good book like Marijuana Horticulture: The INDOOR/OUTDOOR Medical Grower's Bible. I've just read through 5 different texts & this one by far will repay itself in awesome buds to help you out along your way. Pick up a bag of Ocean Forest Soil from Fox Farm to start the plants in & then move them into hydroponics if you want to. If you feel that soil is the way you want to go then I'd suggest starting them in the containers you plant to finish them in because you won't see the plants go through shock when you have to transplant them up in container sizes. If you want to start them in soil & go to hydroponics then I'd suggest planting your seedlings into some peat moss cups to retain a little bit of moisture & then transplant them to a hyro setup when you have 3 sets of true leaves developed. There isn't any wrong or right when it comes to your preferred method of growing. It's up to you & the ups & downs you are looking to go through on your path of growing. Good luck.