about when to harvest?


Well-Known Member
sorry no photos

but........tomorrow marks exactly 4 weeks into flower growing Haze.

i vegged her for 10 weeks

she is right now about 50 percent amber colored. i've read this strain takes up an average 10-14 weeks, but she looks like she'll be completely amber before that time.

so if she turns out 90 percent amber and it's before the 10-14 week period..........would it still be too early to harvest?


Well-Known Member
sounds way soon. i have not heard of a strain only flowering for 4 weeks and being ready. you should wait at least 8 weeks or else you are loosing more than half of your potential bud weight. just stay patient and it will pay off


Well-Known Member
sounds way soon. i have not heard of a strain only flowering for 4 weeks and being ready. you should wait at least 8 weeks or else you are loosing more than half of your potential bud weight. just stay patient and it will pay off
no , not saying i am going to harvest her now. but she looks like she'll be about 90 percent amber before the 10-14 week period.

so i'm thinking she MIGHT be ready about the 8th week, but being that the strains average is 10-14 weeks, would harvesting her before that period be to soon? if she's 90 percent amber.

and i'm very patient, which is why i vegged her for 10 weeks instead of the usual 6 week.


Well-Known Member
That's probably why you added a couple weeks to the veg,so she probably started flowering with out you,so eight weeks would be perfect.


Well-Known Member
That's probably why you added a couple weeks to the veg,so she probably started flowering with out you,so eight weeks would be perfect.
ah ok, that's what i wanted to know. my other one i vegged her for 6 weeks but unlike this one (both flowered at the same time), that one has no amber color

the lower leaves though (should have explained this earlier) of the one 50 percent amber........are all white still. Would cutting the big fan leaves above them would help?


Well-Known Member
BAD IDEA Don't ever cut or top by pinching during the flowering stage you will not ever benifit from a choice like that.


Well-Known Member
well Haze need atleast minumum 9weeks and max 16weeks flowering!!! so 8weeks is not ok!
and yu can harvest many plants after 4week flowering, its potential ok weed, but then yu got low and tiny harvest, only you would do that if yu got big big field full of weed plants =) and yu got time running out like fall is comin and yu live north or cold climate, but always n.1 rule at least if yu dont know strain what yu grow FLOWER it 8-9weeks!!!


Well-Known Member
ah ok, thanks guys.

yeah i'm not looking to harvest them early at all. even though i'm excited and can't wait for em to finish...........i'll be (and am) very patient :)


Well-Known Member
normal problem that waitting thing, yu want hugh and squeez and ripe those fuckin nice and sweet and beatiful buds of and load yourself in to the space and moon :) heh heheheheh eheh take it easy. it will go nice !