Absoloute Beginner Startng Out Hempy Bucket Style!


Active Member
Hey Guys. I'm totally new to the whole growing game, a complete 100% novice, this is my first attempt at a grow, its also my first post/message, so be gentle with me lol. I've done a good bit of reading on various sites, read a good few posts, u guys all know your stuff man and you all seem really helpful which is great
anyways as i said im just starting out. I came across a few posts about the Hempy Bucket, I'm just looking for a wee bit of advice, well to be honest I'm really looking for a big bit of help lol if you could answer me a few questions it would be very much appreciated. I got myself a grow tent (
[FONT=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial]165cm W x 65cm D x 160cm H) a 600w light, a desktop fan n a carbon filter extractor fan. I have a few clones to get started. Anything else i would need? I was thinking of getting a cool tube for my light as it seems to get pretty hot in the tent. What temperature should my tent be at n what should i use to set the temp? sorry for sounding stupit...
Where to begin.... i have a few 15litre buckets and 100ltr of perlite and wana start growing using the hempy bucket method, this way sounds amazingly effective with great results, n best of all, fool proof, exactly what im after lol.
I would like to know what kind of nutes to use? I've never grown anything in my life, so really don't know where to start...but gota start somewhere right

I know there are different grow stages, veg n flowering n stuff, but really that is all i know lol don't know when its supposed to happen, what to look out for etc
All the info on growing using the hempy method seems to be out there, but how much nutes do i mix in with my water n how do i find my waters ph level? I really know nothing at all about any of this, how often do i water a 15ltr tub? I've seen a few posts but to be honest when guys start talking about ppm n stuff like that i get lost, i have read up on it but i'd just like it to be kept simple!
Theres so much i wana ask n find out, but i dnt wana be a pain in the ass! But i really wana get started n need sum major help!
Any replies would be greatly apprecited

Just dnt wna fuck up, wna grow sum good stuff, n a promise to keep u updated n post pics

Sorry about writing a fucking book lol but i really do need the help!
Over n out,


Active Member
watch mr green on youtube he will teach you everything or cannabis groowing on there just type it in ppl can tell you stuff on here but i think if you watch it you take it in a lot more good luck


Well-Known Member
As bigweeds said mr green on you tube will show how it is done one of the better set up and grow videos ive seen happy growing

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Hey Guys. I'm totally new to the whole growing game, a complete 100% novice, this is my first attempt at a grow, its also my first post/message, so be gentle with me lol.[FONT=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial]
Welcome BG and congrats on making the commitment to grow marijuana.

I don't know that much about hempy buckets, but because it is a "soilless" medium I think you would want to use hydro nutrients. Each brand of nutrients has different feeding guidelines...it will tell you on the bottle or you can find it on a website somewhere.

Here's a link to threads on Rollitup tagged with "hempy bucket." I didn't read any, but I'm pretty sure they will help. It's always best to learn from others mistakes...


Regarding temperature...you want to shoot for 75-80 during the day (i.e. with the lights on...doesn't have to really be during the day, and it's easier to keep cool if the lights are running at night) and 65-70 with the lights off...it doesn't have to necessarily get colder with the lights off, you just don't want it getting TOO cold [clearly more of a seasonal problem]).

Regarding pH...you'll need to get yourself a pH meter. These come in various forms, but the cheapest and most effective (in my opinion) are digital pH meters like this one ------>http://cgi.ebay.com/Milwaukee-pH600-Digital-pH-Tester-Meter-Pocket-Pen-New_W0QQitemZ370238910990QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item5633f5720e&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14. With this you can measure the pH of everything before you feed it to your plants. In soil grows you can also measure the pH of the runoff, but I don't think that applies to Hempy Buckets...

Vegetative growth (or vegging) is when the plant focuses its energy on growing the stem, leaves and roots. Flowering is when the plant begins to produce reproductive organs, either male or female. Female plants produce buds, male plants produce pollen and are no good. The growth period is controlled by the light cycle under which the plants are growing. A light of cycle of at least 18 hours light and 6 hours dark (referred to as 18/6) makes the plant believe it is early in the growing season and it should focus its energy on getting big. When the light cycle switches to 12 hours on and 12 hours off (12/12) the plant thinks that autumn is approaching and it needs to begin flowering in order to reproduce. When growing indoors, you control this situation and can therefore decide how large to let your plants get. During the first few weeks of 12/12, the plant will go through a "stretch" where it can double or triple in height, depending on the strain. So keep that in mind too.

I hope this helps get you on the right track. I understand how convoluted things can become with the extensive terminology. Just try to get the basic theory down first...you really need to try and understand the concept (especially the biological processes) before you get yourself up sh*t's creek without a paddle.

Clearly you've been doing your research...just keep it up!


Active Member
Hey guys, hows it goin ? Hope all is good n well.
Cheers again for the quick reply n sound advice, greatly appreciated

Sorry i've not got back to the thread sooner...
Been a bit of a hold up, was supposed to get my clones during the week but it never happend, looks like i wont be getting thm for a couple of weeks now

But all good things come to those who wait lol
anyways, tht gives me more time to get all my shit in, i orderd the Flora series micro n bloom nutes, (the flora micro is for hardwater, does tht make a difference?) I also got myself a digital ph tester and a digital thermo/hygrometer thingy.
All i need now is for my stuff to come in the post, n my clones..
was thikin of jst buying seeds frm a sedbank but i have been assured n guaranteed tht i will definately have thm in a couple of weeks, so im counting on them, once i got them, the game will b up n runnin

Another thing, is it ok just to use 100% perlite? i got myself a 100ltr bag, so was jst gna use tht for my hempys in the 15ltr buckets with my clones..
Will keep u posted as soon as i got everything,
I'll get some pics up aswel.
Cheers again guys,
Take it easy,
Speak soon BG.

Welcome BG and congrats on making the commitment to grow marijuana.

I don't know that much about hempy buckets, but because it is a "soilless" medium I think you would want to use hydro nutrients. Each brand of nutrients has different feeding guidelines...it will tell you on the bottle or you can find it on a website somewhere.

Here's a link to threads on Rollitup tagged with "hempy bucket." I didn't read any, but I'm pretty sure they will help. It's always best to learn from others mistakes...


Regarding temperature...you want to shoot for 75-80 during the day (i.e. with the lights on...doesn't have to really be during the day, and it's easier to keep cool if the lights are running at night) and 65-70 with the lights off...it doesn't have to necessarily get colder with the lights off, you just don't want it getting TOO cold [clearly more of a seasonal problem]).

Regarding pH...you'll need to get yourself a pH meter. These come in various forms, but the cheapest and most effective (in my opinion) are digital pH meters like this one ------>http://cgi.ebay.com/Milwaukee-pH600-Digital-pH-Tester-Meter-Pocket-Pen-New_W0QQitemZ370238910990QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item5633f5720e&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14. With this you can measure the pH of everything before you feed it to your plants. In soil grows you can also measure the pH of the runoff, but I don't think that applies to Hempy Buckets...

Vegetative growth (or vegging) is when the plant focuses its energy on growing the stem, leaves and roots. Flowering is when the plant begins to produce reproductive organs, either male or female. Female plants produce buds, male plants produce pollen and are no good. The growth period is controlled by the light cycle under which the plants are growing. A light of cycle of at least 18 hours light and 6 hours dark (referred to as 18/6) makes the plant believe it is early in the growing season and it should focus its energy on getting big. When the light cycle switches to 12 hours on and 12 hours off (12/12) the plant thinks that autumn is approaching and it needs to begin flowering in order to reproduce. When growing indoors, you control this situation and can therefore decide how large to let your plants get. During the first few weeks of 12/12, the plant will go through a "stretch" where it can double or triple in height, depending on the strain. So keep that in mind too.

I hope this helps get you on the right track. I understand how convoluted things can become with the extensive terminology. Just try to get the basic theory down first...you really need to try and understand the concept (especially the biological processes) before you get yourself up sh*t's creek without a paddle.

Clearly you've been doing your research...just keep it up!