AC Help


Well-Known Member
Wanted some help choosing a mini split for my set-up. Will be cooling an area with 7k worth of lighting with the ballasts in the room. I live in the midwest, where winters can be very cold, so I wanted to make sure that the unit has a low enough ambient work temperature (so the condenser doesn't freeze up in the winter). Any suggestions on brands/strengths?
Oh, and the lights will be open hood and the room will be sealed. Co2 burner in the room as well, which will raise temps.
Oh, and the lights will be open hood and the room will be sealed. Co2 burner in the room as well, which will raise temps.
That going to be hard to do, depent where is the room... i have the same situation before and i have to move the unit that go outside to inside, and create a kind of chimey to blow the hot air from the unit outside by a window while the unit cool itself getting the air inside the roon, that was good because it cool down the room sucking the air and blowing it out, but you need windows and doors open for it to get fresh air if not it will be malfuntion because the compresor will be running hot.
There's a few ways you can cool it, without the condenser freezing up.

Also your pushing the limits of a single mini-split. I'd look into multiple splits or central ac and air handler.

- Jiji
But I understand what it says, here in winter the air conditioner froze as soon as it stop, and it will stop... the problem with this is that you could be sleeping when it happen and next day you will be crying when you see the stressed plant almost burn by a heat. Im from st john Arizona, high altitude 5600 feet over the sea level, and you walking around and see no one AC in the town, that is scary... also, I dont know were you are, but if weed is no legal there, or you dont want no one knows about it, how you explain the ac working without stop in a 10 degree night, it happen to me before, also early in the morning the only roof that have no snow was my garage roof... lol
I'm legal in my state. Not worried about visibility. Jjarts, you're saying to put the condenser unit indoors, like a 'lung room'? I could try to make that work, but I don't have much space in my setup.