AC wiring 4 dummies like ME!?


Active Member
OK, I am trying to attach 10 CFL bulbs, without using sockets(it works), but I don't know much about AC wiring-so can somebody tell me which wire goes to the tip of the socket and which wire wraps around the bulb base???


Well-Known Member
What is wrong with using sockets like they were designed for? It seems more feasible plus safer. Or are you looking to be the next Darwin Award recipient....Hey everyone watch this. Those are some great last words from recipients of that award. The sockets were made for a reason. Why try to re-invent something that has been tried and true for many years. I am going to protect the innocent people in your home by not telling you how to do what you are requesting.
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Active Member
'cause sockets cost about $2 each, so why pay for what you don't need?
The only thing protecting you with a socket is a little bit of plastic-I can do the same thing...!


Well-Known Member
'cause sockets cost about $2 each, so why pay for what you don't need?
The only thing protecting you with a socket is a little bit of plastic-I can do the same thing...!

I'm an electrician by trade and I agree with RKM. You're creating a dangerous situation trying to save a few dollars.

If 2 bucks a piece for a socket is gonna break you you're embarking on the wrong hobby.


Well-Known Member
'cause sockets cost about $2 each, so why pay for what you don't need?
The only thing protecting you with a socket is a little bit of plastic-I can do the same thing...!
So two bucks is going to stand in the way of a potentially high risk situation of burning your home down and killing everyone inside as well? I will keep an eye out for you to show up here: Seriously, you do need to find a hobby where if you skimp on 2 dollars it does not have the potential of a devastating disaster. Do it the right way man.


Active Member
So, can anyone tell me how this Mysterious electrical fire is gonna start?
i have been using the "socketless" method for over 6 months without a spark!
The wires are covered and insulated-just as with a socket!!
Obviously, not all electricians are that smart??!
**Also, growing with either MH or HPS has KNOWN fire dangers far more dangerous!! Bro


Well-Known Member
We were just trying to help you out and all you want to do is question our comments. If you're so damn smart why did you ask the question in the first place? You want an answer? Ok...heres how you do it.....fill a shallow metal pail of water and hook the white wire to it. Stand in the pail and touch the black wire to your tongue. Stick the lightbulb in your ass and see if it lights up. If it does you got the wires in the right place. Fuckin noob wannabe electrician. are eeevil!:evil::hump:


Well-Known Member are eeevil!:evil::hump:
Do you disagree? The guy asked a idiotic wiring question and a few of us tried to help him out. His reply is that " all you electricians must not be that smart" cause he's been doing f'd up shit like that for 6 months. :roll:


Well-Known Member
We were just trying to help you out and all you want to do is question our comments. If you're so damn smart why did you ask the question in the first place? You want an answer? Ok...heres how you do it.....fill a shallow metal pail of water and hook the white wire to it. Stand in the pail and touch the black wire to your tongue. Stick the lightbulb in your ass and see if it lights up. If it does you got the wires in the right place. Fuckin noob wannabe electrician.
*dies laughing*
+rep for putting dude in his place


Well-Known Member
So, can anyone tell me how this Mysterious electrical fire is gonna start?
i have been using the "socketless" method for over 6 months without a spark!
The wires are covered and insulated-just as with a socket!!
Obviously, not all electricians are that smart??!
**Also, growing with either MH or HPS has KNOWN fire dangers far more dangerous!! Bro
So go burn your fucking house down then. I just make one request, tell everyone in the house that you are half-assing something dangerous, hopefully they can talk some sence into you. MH or HPS are just as safe as anything else if the necessary precautions are taken. Gas and fire dont do well together either, but in a car it is safe as long as every thing is in good mechanical order.

BTW, just because you have been doing it for 6 months, does that make it the right way?
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Well-Known Member
did i say rep for the comment? i meant rep for your grow! lmao. :peace: damn youre like the jack of all trades! im jealous.... lol
Rep for the comment works too. :mrgreen:

Feel free to PM if you have any DIY questions. That's what we're here help others out.

Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
Didn't momma teach you not to go outside in just your underwear?

I can tell some of you guys have never dealt with a "strong willed Child" yet. Best way to do that is explain the reasoning why this is a bad move, then let them decide which set of consequences they want to deal with... Sooooooooo

While you could try and solder wires to your CFL's, doing so would leave the whole Base exposed. Yes you could try to wrap the whole base with electrical tape or even electricians rubber tape and spend THREE TIMES what you would for the stupid Sockets!

Hmm Lets think about this for a minute......... Doh LOTS of electrified bare metal, Sounds like a stoners delight. lots of pretty sparks and colors to go with them.

Seriously go get 5 cheap sockets and 5 Y's and use those. yes they cost a little cash but ffs, it would be easier and safer in the long run.

Now as for the A/C = Alternating Current only with Certain electronics does it matter which is actually connected to hot vs neutral.

BE cheap with your odor scrubber,


Well-Known Member
Didn't momma teach you not to go outside in just your underwear?

I can tell some of you guys have never dealt with a "strong willed Child" yet. Best way to do that is explain the reasoning why this is a bad move, then let them decide which set of consequences they want to deal with... Sooooooooo

While you could try and solder wires to your CFL's, doing so would leave the whole Base exposed. Yes you could try to wrap the whole base with electrical tape or even electricians rubber tape and spend THREE TIMES what you would for the stupid Sockets!

Hmm Lets think about this for a minute......... Doh LOTS of electrified bare metal, Sounds like a stoners delight. lots of pretty sparks and colors to go with them.

Seriously go get 5 cheap sockets and 5 Y's and use those. yes they cost a little cash but ffs, it would be easier and safer in the long run.

Now as for the A/C = Alternating Current only with Certain electronics does it matter which is actually connected to hot vs neutral.

BE cheap with your odor scrubber,
We (rkm and I) didn't expect to encounter a "strong willed child" when we replied to his original post. As far as I am concerned this board is a place where noobs can ask for advise from the more experienced people posting here. He asked and we answered. Apparently we had to justify our opinion regardless or our experience or background as he was set on doing some monkey-ass shit in order to save a few bucks anyway. As you know there is a reason that electrical inspectors turn down sub-par work. It isn't because they think we didn't spend enough on the initial construction......It is because it's unsafe and life threatening. Seriously, given his initial question do you REALLY think he'll invest in rubber or electrical tape? Hell no........Scotch tape will be his method of operation. I'm very liberal with respect to what others do as long as it doesn't affect anybody else detrimentally.To be truthful, and at this point, I don't think either rkm or I give a damn how he wires his system. We were concerned about the safety of his family, his tenants or his neighbors. This is an instance where he can burn his own house down if he chooses to do so, but if his poor decision (along with his "all you electricians are not that smart" comment) screws up someone else's life then it warrants a good tongue lashing.........forget "reasoning". :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
We (rkm and I) didn't expect to encounter a "strong willed child" when we replied to his original post. As far as I am concerned this board is a place where noobs can ask for advise from the more experienced people posting here. He asked and we answered. Apparently we had to justify our opinion regardless or our experience or background as he was set on doing some monkey-ass shit in order to save a few bucks anyway. As you know there is a reason that electrical inspectors turn down sub-par work. It isn't because they think we didn't spend enough on the initial construction......It is because it's unsafe and life threatening. Seriously, given his initial question do you REALLY think he'll invest in rubber or electrical tape? Hell no........Scotch tape will be his method of operation. I'm very liberal with respect to what others do as long as it doesn't affect anybody else detrimentally.To be truthful, and at this point, I don't think either rkm or I give a damn how he wires his system. We were concerned about the safety of his family, his tenants or his neighbors. This is an instance where he can burn his own house down if he chooses to do so, but if his poor decision (along with his "all you electricians are not that smart" comment) screws up someone else's life then it warrants a good tongue lashing.........forget "reasoning". :blsmoke:
These type of people are the ones I like to see get busted.
Unfortunetly it could be affecting other peoples safety in the process, but hopefully he will remove himself from the gene pool while he is hooking it up.