Acc. to Trump cultists, he has already won re-election

Im not going to explain myself to you or anyone. And i will vote for him agian and so will most of the country. Guys like you will make sure he wins agian.
It's "again". I know, it's a difficult word to spell when you're a Trump voter.
No need to expound on your reasons for voting for him at this point, they're self-evident.
Few people today realize that when a word has a squiggely line underneath it, then that word is misspelled. Most Americans don't know the correct spelling, so they ignore it, thinking it doesn't matter. And I guess, in the long run, it doesn't matter. Our English language is quickly being replaced by a series of letters that stand for a phrase, such as GTFOH as in "get the fuck outta here." Spoken language is quickly devolving into a hybrid of grunts, profane words, hillbilly, valley girl, and hip hop slang.

When my 12-year old niece is 27 years old, English as we know it will be a thing of the past.
How do you spell Apollo correctly but failed on 'maybe' ?



(Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
I fear it not impossible for him to win again if he avoids dethronement.... he exhausts and confuses half the country, he now has a majority if half are burned out on the political insanity as he only needs 30% of the whole to vote in scenario such as this...and will win the popular ...

I pray it not so,,, but i dont beleive it to be impossible...