accident on flipping your buds back to veggie stage


Hi guys and gals , want to tell how ignoramus one can be . I recently had my 5 th and most perfect grow going with 15 plants 4 of which were in10 gal pots scrogging it. I added another 600 watt light in my 12x12 room to accommodate 2 taller plants of ww x bb which meant moving some timers around. I accidently bumped the side switch to one on to full time. didn't discover his till 5 day latter since rarely go in my room when there sleeping and everything has bin running smoothly this last year regarding this..........Damage control................ So seeing the interruption in bud growth to start with then the 3 plants directly under the light shot up 15 inches and have started budding again but very spindly looking...................The ones farthest away the least. anyone know what to expect on final out come . I realize my finish time is prolonged a last 2weeks or more but more worried about quality of buds being small and loose ? ..........anyone got first hand knowledge about this ? ........Keep on growing...... Thanks

sativa indica pits

Active Member
if they went into veg-bud stage... I would calculate the timing from the last day on 24hr light, some of the bottom buds will finish 3-4 weeks before the tops. I would concentrate on the tops my self, cut all bottom nugs as soon as they are done and let the tops finish. Go light on fert, some of the best smoke I grew I only fed twice. Some of the buds will for sure be airy and loose, that is to be expected. but the newest growth,,, 15 inch tops will make normal tight bud. cut all the little shit off and all that energy will head up to the tops!!


Ya that's what I was thinking to but wasn't sure. your got it ...seem's something mess's up for that perfect grow . Not using any nutrients last 2 grows, went to the super soil mix all organic stuff in the soil in two layers .Designed to last the grow cycle its worth looking into. the recipe is on line . Seem to work fantastic on the last grow. Just add water the whole grow and sit back with green lush plants. Just don't mess up your lighting ......... :( such a drag , wanted to see what this white widow x big bud would produce . Now a fizzled grow for sure..........well next one will be that super perfect grow :) Thanks for the guys for the reply ......


Active Member
Did it look something like the picture I will add? Think the same thing has happend to my grow... If so hows your grow going? Mine went stupid 2weeks before harvest, I corrected the timer a week ago and was hoping t would be sweet and only push out harvest by an extra 2/3 weeks?