Accidental min-harvest.


Well-Known Member
Daaaaamn, 420!! You sneaky noobie sunifubitch came in here and dropped some automatic DANK on us, man. That looks great, way to go on your first grow, especially with an auto. I have some amazing looking plants the first time through, but the lessons I learned (mistakes I made) along the way cost time, and so now my plants look fine, but are way older than they seem. I can't imagine how it would've turned out if I went auto flower, but probably not as good BC most of my problems were towards the beginning (and a little pH problem at the beginning of flower).

Honestly, I've been a little weary of growing auto flowers BC for some reason I have convinced myself that the short life span is a trade off for quality and yield, but you've definitely proven that conceived notion to be a figment of my imagination. My cousin has an auto flower seed, I might try her out.

The trim looks great, and so does the smoke. Did the plant only have one main cola? You definitely seem to have a decent yield, from the sound of the rest of the plant.

Way to go man. Just more evidence that dank can be grown anywhere with easy to find stuff, as long as you read up and do it right. + rep for reppin' us noobs. What chu got, ¿BitChES?!? Lol. Okay I'll admit I just burned one.


Active Member
Daaaaamn, 420!! You sneaky noobie sunifubitch came in here and dropped some automatic DANK on us, man. That looks great, way to go on your first grow, especially with an auto. I have some amazing looking plants the first time through, but the lessons I learned (mistakes I made) along the way cost time, and so now my plants look fine, but are way older than they seem. I can't imagine how it would've turned out if I went auto flower, but probably not as good BC most of my problems were towards the beginning (and a little pH problem at the beginning of flower).

Honestly, I've been a little weary of growing auto flowers BC for some reason I have convinced myself that the short life span is a trade off for quality and yield, but you've definitely proven that conceived notion to be a figment of my imagination. My cousin has an auto flower seed, I might try her out.

The trim looks great, and so does the smoke. Did the plant only have one main cola? You definitely seem to have a decent yield, from the sound of the rest of the plant.

Way to go man. Just more evidence that dank can be grown anywhere with easy to find stuff, as long as you read up and do it right. + rep for reppin' us noobs. What chu got, ¿BitChES?!? Lol. Okay I'll admit I just burned one.
ROFL..Loved your comment ThorBean! Thanks for the kind words. She just had the one main cola, but she has several side branches that have semi-decent buds on em. Definitely better than what I'd call popcorn buds. So, I'm pretty stoked about the outcome. I have a thread in the auto section that has a lot of pics of both my ladies, if you're interested in seeing how they look. That's probably where I'll update with the final pics and weight on both gals. I think I'm chopping the PE tomorrow night after I get home from watching some SEC football.(RTR!). I'm hoping for a combined 3 oz dried from both plants. May be a little too high to aim for, but I'll be happy with anything over 2oz total.

I don't smoke much myself, maybe a couple times a month. I started growing mostly because I got tired of my gal pal having to buy from shitheads. It got so bad, that I started buying it for her, from different sources, because I didn't like the people she was dealing with. But, the only people I trust to give me decent shit at a decent price are 45 mins north of me, and she actually lives nearly 2 hours south of me and we only get to see each other when I can go down there, or she is up here visiting family, or we've planned a day off at jobs on the same day and she can slip up my way, without her family bitching that she came saw me and not them. So it just evolved a step further. I figured I could save her some money, save us both some time, and it'd be fun for me to try my hand at growing, and the "points" I'm earning don't hurt either! An oz will last us about 6 weeks So, between the oz I picked up last week and the 1/2 she still had, if I can get 2 oz from these ladies, it'll last us well until the next grow is finished.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah man, I'm definitely gonna check that out, post plenty of pics of the whole harvest process because I'm a couple of days behind you. Except I've spent the passed 4 1/2 months with (some) of my babies and am more than ready to reap the benefits of what I sewed. I'd like to see how it goes for you with the drying and curing process, also, BC that nice final taste is really important to me.

Dude, I'm sure your lady friend is going to give you more brownie points than She'll ever eat after smoking that dank bud. I read this post to my girlfriend and told her I'm gonna start telling people that my girlfriend does all the growing so I can act like I got it made 8).

If she only understood how much I really put into these girls, including love.

Not gonna lie, I feel a little guilty of hubris because I post some of the same pictures over and over again in different threads. But at the beginning of this whole endeavor, I got into it BC even tho there is decent bud around here, there are no nugs worthy of the songs of Valhala, and so mis-thor bean said you know what? First of all: IMG_20130927_225834.JPG

Secondly, I'm gonna do something about this. And thus my grow began, (see journal, "nugs of Asgard", haven't updated in 4 months). Anyways, back to those pictures that give me excessive pride:

View attachment 2838728 Bubba kush

IMG_20130920_165140.jpg Some mids bag seed with 4 tops and 2 decent branches from below the tops. I call it "the Doug" but im not gonna tell you who gave me the seeds. It has a really piney/ almost mint smell, 100% indica.

These two plants are getting the chop pretty soon. Again, good job man, look forward to the harvest and smoke report


Active Member
With everyone throwing in their 2 bobs worth re the weight of that bud new24, your going to have to weigh what you had on the scale when it's dry. Include the weight of what you sample! :)
Now we know what you mean when you say your grow is done with love :)

Thor I'd be proud of those, nice. That last pic what is it or did you say? That thing is going to be FAT! Could you take a closer pic of 'Doug'? From that pic it looks like a mass of white pistils. Which of course means you might have weeks to go.

Does 'bagseed' mean seed that you find in purchased bud? Can't remember ever finding a seed in any hydro I've bought.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, yeah that's exactly what bag seed means. Although technically, it was a seed given to me by a friend who grows a few mids plants a year. He's been doing it for 6 or 7 years and keeping good seeds from good plants. It was a damn vigorous plant, and grew much faster than the others. Its one of the youngest ones but it's my second biggest plant. It's actually much more mature than it looks, I'm pulling it out and getting some pics BC I'm probably gonna harvest soon. I'll let you know when I get better pics.

Edit: but yeah, he was blown away when he saw what I did with it. Here's a picture from before I defoliated, believe it or not this picture was taken about thirty minutes before the top picture of "the Doug", and its the exact same plant. The buds werent getting ANY light, except for like a top inch of the cola:


Active Member
So, that branch I cut early from Ava has dried out pretty good. I cut all her buds away from the stem and she measured out about .40 oz. I'm gonna leave the buds in a paper bag for a few hours, then jar them. After seeing how much was left after drying and cutting from the stem, which started at 1.85oz, I'm thinking with what is left from the rest of the plant, I'll end up with just over an ounce dried total from the plant. It's a bit fluffy, but over an ounce fluffy from 1 plant on my first grow is not something that I'm going to bitch about too much.


Active Member
Exactly new24, I'm always grateful. When I get no more than an ounce a plant it's either because it wasn't a big yielder or I didn't know the plant & it's growing habits,like my last crop of WhiteShark [for some reason I've been calling it WhiteRhino in other threads] that I got just over an oz per plant. It barely grew after turning so that strain needed a much longer veg. period than given. It's only because I prefer to grow 3-4 large plants that have been trained, than 20-40 small ones,[only for legal reasons ] that they were a reasonable size when turned.
My very 1st grow [3 SuperSkunk & 1 'cabbage'] yielded over 4 ounces a plant under a 400w light [I vegged to the max] I shit you not. The SS was genuine one bong gear, everyone who wasn't used to it & insisted on smoking more (I did try to warn them!) -it was a real creeper-spewed after smoking 2 cones. I've never seen smoke like it before or after.
As much as I enjoy the simplicity of growing in pots I'm considering going back to a flood & drain in expanded clay for that reason [no not the chundering :) the yield] Has anyone been able to get similar yield from 20 litre coco pots compared to flood & drain using expanded clay or similar? I really would like to stick to pots. The highest yield so far in a pot was 2 1/2 - 3 each from 4 unknown clones.
Any advice is much appreciated.


Active Member
Thanks Grey. As far as advice, I'm on my first grow, so I have no experience besides the part of one plant that I've harvested. I know there's a couple guys that use pot and coco and seem to get some pretty good results


Active Member
So, my other plant, the Pineapple Express auto from Barney's, was having a hard time staying upright. The last few days, the buds have been too heavy, especially the top bud on the main stem. So, I went ahead and just pulled the top part of the main stem tonight. I trimmed her out and she weighs right at 1oz wet. I didn't take too much of the stem with her, and she seems pretty dense. Breeder says 65-75 days from seed. I'm at 78 days, I think I'm gonna let the rest of the plant go the week. Pics of the plant, then the piece I cut, then the piece after my trim job. How's my trim job on this one?



Active Member
Yeah good one new24. Funny how ratty they can look near the end with the yellowing leaves & yet with a good manicure your looking at something delicious. :)


Active Member
So, for the first time ever, I've smoked weed that I have grown! It was frackin awesome! Last night I tried a very premature piece of the PE that I had let just sit on a speaker for a few days in my living room. For being harvested about a week too early, not properly dried and cured, she smoked awesome. Not harsh at all, and had a fruity aftertaste on the exhale. We smoked a really small bowl, probably 6-8 hits each, and it Fawked me up. Like, shit was slowed down and a bit hazy fawked up. I should not have driven. Not that I was reckless, but I kept thinking I had driven farther than I had, and I should be slowing down to turn a lot sooner than I needed to. For me, definitely a sit your stoned ass on the couch high.

Tonight, we smoked a small bit of the NL. This was from a stem that broke, about 2 weeks early and I went ahead and dried. She's been in the jar burping stage for about 3 days now. She had a nice earthy taste to her. Like the other, she was surprisingly smooth and the high we got was awesome. It was one of those that you don't even really realize your high until you notice how mellow you are. It took my galpal pointing out how mellow I was. I've never taken Valium, but from what I've heard, it's close to that. Everything was perfectly focused, I could think just fine, but I was soooo damn chill about everything. Where the other is going to be our sit on the couch and veg out smoke, this NL is going to be our, wake and bake and have to deal with asshats at work smoke.

I can only imagine how great these are going to be after I finally harvest the rest of the 2 plants and get a good dry and cure on them. For my first attempt at ever growing, I'm more than satisfied. I'm effin stoked. I'm so damn excited about how they turned out. So, far, I've gotten a .40 oz from one dried and .25 dried from the other. I'm guessing about 2.25 total dried from both plants combined. So, yea, super pleased, and still a little high as you can tell from my 3am rambling! Thanks for all the tips so far in my growing adventure, I'm ready to finish this harvest and get my next 2 seeds in the dirt!


Active Member
Ahh that sense of satisfaction & pleasure every time I open a jar of a job well done. Can you beat that smell? Get used to the feeling new24, it never goes away. I'm still like a kid in a lolly shop & I've been doing it on/off for twenty years :) [excuse me, I have a bowl of White Shark waiting hehe]


Well-Known Member
Congratulations on a job well done. Nothing like high quality grown at home weed. Stay stoned it's the only way to work. Unless of course you operate chainsaws for a living.


Active Member
So you think that will only produce 10 joints worth? come onnn, there's more than that
I really don't know! lol. This is the first time I've ever seen weed that didn't come from a strangers plastic baggie. I hope you're right! I still have the other plant to harvest. I've already taken .40 oz dried from it. I'll try to get a picture up of Ava(the northern lights) after I get back from the gym.


Active Member
Congratulations on a job well done. Nothing like high quality grown at home weed. Stay stoned it's the only way to work. Unless of course you operate chainsaws for a living.
Thanks bull! And I definitely agree on the chainsaw job. lol. I hope it's quality. It fucked me up and my galpal loves it. But I'm a novice smoker and I'm worried she won't be completely honest with me. So, I gave a couple samples to some daily smokers today for them to try and give me an honest opinion.


Active Member
Here's a few pics of what's left of my NL . They are at day 87 from seed. I harvested the main stem a couple weeks ago when I broke her. The breeder says 7-9 weeks of flower. If you figure 3 weeks before flower, that puts these past the 9 weeks of flower. If I'm not mistaken, these showed flowers before 3 weeks, so I'm good and past the 9 week period. I do know that breeder estimates are mostly for marketing purposes and realistically only attainable in lab conditions by pro growers. But, I think she's close. Any thoughts??
