Accidentally grew too much


Great advice guys. I think the best idea from the accumulation of suggestions is to thin out the bottom but not really cut into it too hard. You are correct i am on week 4 of flower, so it's still early. I am running a 400watt HPS in a 2x5 space. I will thin out the bottom and repost my setup. Thank you so much for your help so far.


Well-Known Member
Cutting out the bottom in week 3-4 is exactly the time u want to do it. U saying it will hurt this yield is setting this guy up for pm bud mold and just overall crapy bottom buds.
i do all my triming in veg. at the latest ill cut 2 weeks into flowering.
the side lighting is for the bottom buds. as long as he has fans moving air for air circulation and he keeps temp/humid in check i dont c how he will get any pm

and yes if you cut into her after flowers are developing the plant stops useing 100% of her energy creating flower and instead uses some energy to heal itself. that creates a loss in productivity.

100s of ways to grow.


but at this point it would be more beneficial to properly trim and thin up the bottom third than to just let it go and produce less buds?


Active Member
Hey guys just my opinion but using a screen will be the best way. If you trim anything off the plant that is less bud for you. I use a screen so everything is at the same level and get the same light. Bottoms will be just as good as tops if you give them light. Do you use a HID? If you I definitely think scrog is the best way to go then. My 600w penetrates a foot in to the mess of woven branches and I get good buds the whole way. Then I will cut the mature buds and lower the light to make the bottoms ripen up. Use tru blooms as a foliar spray every 4 days and you will never have a problem with them being close and getting mold. The tru blooms has microbes in it that not only eat mold but they make colonies on the leaf surface that competes with mold. As for them being close and not growing well.. I am doing a scrog with grand daddy purp.. big fan leaves.. but the light still goes in to the middle and when I push them aside I see ripe buds at least 7 inches down.. they're too thick to look any further down but I am confident.

So the other reason I recommend a screen is because you have so many beautiful branches going every way. This is a scroggers dream for sure. It'll take a couple hours to set it up and weave it through and what not but definitely worth it, you won't lose the energy producing leaves and you will increase your yield. People like lollipoping and they say it makes the main cola better.. but is that because they cut the plants ears, nose, fingers, toes off? Or is it because they focused all the light on the main cola? Betcha if someone tied the branches to the ground instead of cutting them and did the same thing they'd still get a rockin' cola. There are pictures in my journal to see the screen I use.


Well-Known Member
I only see one real choice, expand.
Balzac89 is right! I have both an outdoor garden and two indoor grow rooms; trimming your plant in either spot is a bad idea.
When you trim your plant it stresses it out as if it were being attacked by bugs or a pest. This stress decreases growth and production and can sometimes cause your plant to go hermorphidite.
The most you should ever do to your poor plants is take clones off of them.
My suggestion is to expand and try to find more lights. I'm almost in the same boat in my flower room and that's the only idea I have; accepted to through the outside and let them bub in the winter. Of course I live in the desert and I would only need to cover them once in a while at night.
Don't butcher your plants, please try to find them more room to grow in. A good AK-47 is a terrible thing to waste.
The screen idea is good and tying them down is also a good idea; I had to tie them down in my outdoor garden when they grew to 9 feet tall and it worked just fine.


Active Member
Also.. if you really need to consider getting rid of some. 3 plants with more focused light and more dense nugs is better than 6 plants with fluffy half ripened nugs.


Well-Known Member
I'd missed the second page of this post for some reason.
Pastimes has a good point. Higher intensity light will penetrate to the bottom of your plant if you are giving them enough light.
I made the mistake of trimming shade leaves off my plant this year when I moved indoors. I was worried about the intensity of light getting to the bottom of the branches in order to promote denser growth. I can't believe I did this to my indoor garden when I would have never done it outdoors. Before that however; I had put about double the intensity of T5 fluorescence over what was recommended for the area I was growing in. The plants grew as dense as possible know matter what I was going to do to them, they are short fat bushes. I don't believe the trimming did too much damage to them but nonetheless it had to decrease the plants ability to conduct photosynthesis; thereby stunting the growth. I will not make this mistake again because the intensity of my lights are doing just fine on their own.
Remember and happy plant will produce more and fatter buds. Trimming stresses your plants out and makes them unhappy; so I would do is little trimming as possible and more training like tying down.
Good luck and good growing.