Accidentally Massive Hit Of Isopropyl Alcohol 99%


Well-Known Member
Omg... I literally just did this the other day, thought I was going to die. I was cleaning my bong with alcohol (it was only 70% though) and salt while having a couple drinks... bad idea #1. My perc was looking really dirty so my ingenious plan was to rip the bong really hard to get some of that salt and alcohol up in there.. bad idea #2. I had a MASSIVE headache for hours and my vision went fuzzy for a bit... but I survived lol.

Although I've done stupider things... I dropped some dry ice into a double shot of 151 and inhaled that shit. Never. Again.
please do tell about the shot, that sounds horrible, were you horribly sick? To topic creator good think your ok, I cleaned my pieces yesterday and am so ocd about ensuring I washed my piece thoroughly


Well-Known Member
please do tell about the shot, that sounds horrible, were you horribly sick?
Well... I blacked out promptly after and my only memory of that night was lying naked on the floor dry heaving into a trashcan... lol man I sure was dumb in high school.


dude that sucks so bad. reminds me of the time i bought a bong at a sketch head shop. for some reason i put my face to the bong (already high) and sucked in air just to see......well that shit had GLASS in it!!!! made my chest hurt so bad for about 3 days but now i can report NO MAJOR MALFUNCTION (i think)




Well-Known Member
dude that sucks so bad. reminds me of the time i bought a bong at a sketch head shop. for some reason i put my face to the bong (already high) and sucked in air just to see......well that shit had GLASS in it!!!! made my chest hurt so bad for about 3 days but now i can report NO MAJOR MALFUNCTION (i think)


I would literally commit suicide if this happened to me. Did you seek medical attention? Anyway, glad you'r okay man, i own a blaze and its fine... hopefully!
Now, i'm going make some ISO hash lol :D


Well-Known Member
that is actually a type of take a bottle a bike pump and compress the air when you pull out the pump you get a bang and alchohol turns to vapor then you in hail it hits like a truck