Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I had LSTed my Northern Lights yesterday and it in a few hours it had recovered.

So I was LSTing my NL#1 this morning and MISHAP occurred! I pulled too far and she just bent in half. No tears, no sound involved.. just flop.

I tied her up to support her. Then I got crazy and did it again. lol.

Will she heal? Or am I a dumb fuck?


Status of NL#1 before the MISHAP:

Growing well, fast even. No nutrient deficiencies, no bugs.

Using Espoma Garden Tone Mixed into Pro-mix. The plant has shown slight yellow tips (starting two weeks ago) that have not progressed past 1/8inch of tips.

Watered once this week ph 6.0 . She is in a 18L square pot. Six 23watt cfl 2700k. Two 23watt cfl 5000k.

Week and a half of 12/12. One week and two days since showing pistils.


Well-Known Member
It will be fine. as long as it doesnt snap (actual breaking, not bending) it will 99% always recover.


Well-Known Member
Keep on going, she looks a little thin. Break her right down and get that light close to her and bush her up.



Active Member
she wont die. i snapped mine to where i could see a hole right through the stem (accidentally). i figured since it was so bad it couldnt deliver water n nutrients up top but she healed fine. it never completely closed up n she has a huge knot and u can see white n brown fibers n shit inside her.


Well-Known Member
you might want to get a few cfl's for the sides.....your plant is pretty tall was it when you flipped to 12/12??


Well-Known Member
I bend my branches over all the time, I even tears the sides until liquid leaks out most times but it always turns out good. Your plant wasn't damaged at all. Just steak it.


Well-Known Member
I don't see the CFLs in the pic which means they're too far away. Anything under 42w should be 1-2 inches away from the canopy. See if you can get some lights at the bottom/middle too. Helps even out growth since CFLs have crap penetration. Pretty nice when you're middle nugs are dense too :)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
They are two inches from tops. I honestly think I am gonna go out and buy a T-5 this weekend tho.. cfls are pissing me off.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Idk, I was kinda hoping to wait till the next plant to get a new light. I really have no way to get lights lower in the canopy. I will just have to make the canopy even.

george xxx

Active Member
Pic 1 shows to be a little counter productive. Bent slightly left then bent slightly right. If you start in the middle of an 8 inch plant it should only be slightly more han 4 inches when done. Start just above center of main stem squeeze stem between thumb and forefinger to soften stem. It will then fall 1/2 way over on its own. When the top of the plant is staring into the top of the pot its bent far enough and you would have only one tie not three. There is no right or wrong way its an experiment to discover what works with your space. If you cannot lower the light raise the plant. An old phone book if its all you have will get you a couple of inches.


Well-Known Member
Well to answer your initial question, as i can clearly see the stem at the points you bent it, I can absolutely say your plant will be just fine. Like the post on top of me pointed out, the easiest and probably safest way to supercrop is to squeeze the stem at the point you want it to be bent, in a smashing squeeze so as to weaken the stem but not break it, then simply bend it the direction you want it (and even if it does snap a little but not clean in two it will 99.9% of the time be fine). In my opinion its best to do all the supercropping you want to do, and can do, at one time. That way your plant isn't constantly being stressed, rather stressed once and allowed to recover before you do it again, this will cut down on recovery time. Sure if you have the patients, space, and string of course to lst then by all means go ahead, but like what everyone here is telling you, the point is to create an even canopy so that you can get all your bud sites as close to the light as possible to maximize bud site development.

As far as lighting, its all about the grower you are or want to be. If you intend to continue growing and would like affordable, stress free, lighting that produces quality bud every time then your going to want to invest in T5 or better yet an HPS or CMHD, but if its just this one plant then cfl's will work just fine, just make sure you have enough of them and close enough to the developing sites in the proper spectrum. 2700K and something like 20-45 watts per cola.

Best of luck and dont stress man, marijuana is called weed for a reason, itll grow damn near anyway and is very resilient compared to other plants.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Intended to take a pic today, but I haven't noticed any major changes to the bends.

The lower branches have extended and leafed up a bit, and the top has halted vertical growth.

More updates tomorrow.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
The secondary tops are all almost even with the main top. The bends seem to be swelling... can't really tell. I do know they are not strong enough to be untied.
