Well-Known Member
Now why the hell would I want larger government for it's own sake. What it it about the right that sees a straw man army behind every statment a leftie makes? You think there is no global warming because if there were government would get bigger? really? is that the convoluted logic you employ in this thread?
I want government that is not one iota more powerful than big business - I want an exact balance where government can protect me from business abuse because contrary to you, I know there is more than one source of tyranny and I believe in checks and balances.
I said that the poster didn't know the mechanics of global warming - and he doesn't seem to if he claims that burning wood contributes to it. What are you to do with China? how about innovate ways to reduce pollution and carbon so that when China finally discovers it has a problem they will come to us for answers and they will pay us for those answers.
You see government as some sort of god, like they don't make mistakes, or like they always have your best interest at heart, or like they aren't just as corrupt, if not more so than evil "big business". I'd rather have control over my own destiny, not rely on temporary politicians. You have way to much trust. Unless you are a government worker, then I can see why you think government take over of the private sector is a good idea. You say its not what you want, but then you vote for it.