Accuracy of home drug test kits

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Has anyone used any of the take home drug test kits? Or have any opinions on their accuracy?

I will be applying for life insurance soon and I would like to test myself before the insurance company tests me to verify I am clean, because the consequences will end up costing me thousands of dollars over my life if I piss dirty. Also the sooner I can pass the test, the sooner I can start toking again. It's been 2 weeks already and i'm ready to start strangling kittens. Also the sooner I get life insurance the better. I was reading a thread on another cannabis forum of a guy in a similar conundrum, and during the clean out process before his insurance exam he got diagnosed with aggressive cancer. Getting diagnosed with an aggressive cancer is bad enough, but it also disqualified him from getting a life insurance policy. So the sooner the better. :-?

my life insurance thread for reference:

Morbid Angel

Well-Known Member
All you guys should be making sure that ANY TIME YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO PISS CLEAN..... FREEZE YOUR PISS!!!

This is coming from a guy who has to pee test all the fucking time.