ACE Golden Tiger and Malawi


Well-Known Member
Hey yall just wanted to say I have just ordered a bunch of Aces golden tigers and malawis. Does someone have some input on the potency of these strains?

Im having a hard time finding good detailed smoke reports and would much rather have some people that have experienced them give me a few reports.

I know they are suppose to be trippy and all but I just cant see it being that intense for an everyday smoker but what do I know?

The purest sativa ive ever smoked was Kali Mist. Superb high and very energizing and creative.

How would GT and Malawi compare to say c99, apollo 11 and JTR as gar as fucking someones head up? Lol

Im used to running hybrids about 40/60 range with sativa being the dominance. Im hoping that I have a real game changer on my hands when the time comes for me and my customers that will suprise them and blow them away lol.
There's hundred page threads on both strains over at Icmag under the ace seeds section.

Golden Tiger was great, but needed a few moths cure to bring out the stong high.... was more feel-good shit eating grin than trippy or psychedelic.
Ive had a11,c99 too. ive selected once gt f2 direct from ace and ive had few times malawi and zamal/malawi growed.
well, i can describe to detail my experiences, but i must say one thing - contact ace by mail and buy direct new malawi killer p3 fem. or ask about some seeds from zamaldelica elite mum ,-) the very best phenos were from combination with zamal , i think the thai is not so happy to grow many times
than , when you will have just these, take a look how to grow them, cause probably when you will use much minerals , it will not develop buds so good. so take a time and read breeders reccomandations about organic feeding and transplatting. my first run malawi was horrible, 8th week (when other were to harvest) she looked like in 3rd week :D and the cut from her another round was really ok. when those plants will be happy, they can show huge potential , or you can have horrible weed from it (especially the "spoiled" thaish phenos)

the selection of gt f2 was for example interesting. almost pure thai pheno had very very good resin, but not yielder, and this was resistant and pretty trippy. malawi dominant pheno had wide leaves and better flowering times, yielder and also very resinous...but more letargic and debilitating :) best pheno was about 50/50 for me...

as ive written, the far best weed was gerrits zamal x malawi killer. just from two fems ive had far best plant in 8years . this was some older selection...
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[anin's]viet black is the best sativa we have going right now..if it wasn't for plant numbers i'd start a pile to sift through

i remember grerrit's zamal thread[mmm..tall long flower super skinny carrot weed]
[anin's]viet black is the best sativa we have going right now..if it wasn't for plant numbers i'd start a pile to sift through

i remember grerrit's zamal thread[mmm..tall long flower super skinny carrot weed]
What area is it from? Been in VN in S section for ~10 yrs
dunno really, it is a cross of a very good vb to a northern viet <--[we jokingly called the one crossed to it chinese ditchweed]

it was the first CW auction strain [anons vb] i ever bought in early y2k
it [some times] threw out manageable potent offspring

it said pheno's can be found that made people lose bladder coordination

i haven't found it[yet...plant count] but some of them were some of the best sativas i have grown..not in resin or looks..just the type of high
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Interesting, but I am really interested to know where this vb comes from. As I said I have lived here for better part of 10 years and I have an interest in growing you could say. Never heard of anything called vb here? There are plenty of diamonds in the bag seed here if you want to search for it and there are a few "areas" which produce consistent crops, but there are a few "legendary" beans out there which may just be, well seeds, like alot of others. Not saying this is one, but?
gotta agree... I've got an amazing Viet black cut that blows most other pure sativas away, lots of selection is required, this female was found among hundreds...

Vietnam Black

Origin: Vietnamese genetics
Breeder Description: Originally a cross of a female from southern Vietnam/Saigon, it has been crossed with a male northern Vietnam/China. Originating from Vietnamese genetics brought back to North America in 77, she's an extremely potent exotic sativa.
gotta agree... I've got an amazing Viet black cut that blows most other pure sativas away, lots of selection is required, this female was found among hundreds...

Vietnam Black

Origin: Vietnamese genetics
Breeder Description: Originally a cross of a female from southern Vietnam/Saigon, it has been crossed with a male northern Vietnam/China. Originating from Vietnamese genetics brought back to North America in 77, she's an extremely potent exotic sativa.

>>thats the one..yes i like mine but gotta gotta sift through more pheno's
full manifold to 8 tops then shaped into a bowl onto bottom rung of tomato cage.Organic Pro mix (with some additions) reacting to anything the plant needs with Nectar for the Gods Pro\advanced. Full cycle right now with digilux 600 Blue (thats right I said BLUE).
full manifold to 8 tops then shaped into a bowl onto bottom rung of tomato cage.Organic Pro mix (with some additions) reacting to anything the plant needs with Nectar for the Gods Pro\advanced. Full cycle right now with digilux 600 Blue (thats right I said BLUE).

Nice thanks. Did you top above 3rd node when she was 5-6 nodes? Malawi responded well to Manifolding?
Golden Tiger Malawi Dom according to the breeder.


I took her to 105 days or so and had to pull her she could of gone another 30 days easy. This picture is around day 60. The high is very mentally devastating and electric I find it impossible to concentrate on doing anything. I have never smoked weed I thought was "trippy" but this is the only weed that has affected my sight causing light to flicker and my vision seemed to skip slightly if that makes sense. Enjoyable high all around if you dont have anything you need to get done.
Sounds good Blazin I'm stoked for Malawi. Acapulco Gold I just finished fucks with my eyesight for a while too. :)
Nice thanks. Did you top above 3rd node when she was 5-6 nodes? Malawi responded well to Manifolding?
Sh*t, my plants are lucky to have 5 petioles on leaves before I start the mainlining. I like to practice AST(AggressiveStressTraining). I start plant raping early and make them FIGHT to survive; sometimes as early as 3rd node the second my blades won't FIM the site. This Malawi was cropped that early and then (not entirely intentional I must humbly add) Nute locked to near clorophyl death. Quite possible the tap root was killed during transplant through that mess also.
This vicious cruelty combined with ruthless culling seems to make the ladyboy thing non existant in my breeding and grows.

And yes she mainlined with ease.