i know i may get hit cause this is the hallucinatory sub forum and yall think drugs are fantastic miracles
but if you have to take an benzodiazepine with lsd, you probably shouldnt be doing LSD lol
i used to be an avid drug user actuallyglad to see u have experience with psychedelics![]()
i used to be an avid drug user actually
yes yes yes!!! and btw i do think LSD is a fantastic miracle. benzos not so muchi know i may get hit cause this is the hallucinatory sub forum and yall think drugs are fantastic miracles
but if you have to take an benzodiazepine with lsd, you probably shouldnt be doing LSD lol
I use a bar as landing gear.. When I'm done tripping it helps me slip into reality/sleep
Your doctor misled you. There are no permanent antipsychotic properties in diazapam. What properties it does have are rapidly diminished. There are far more powerful drugs. Thorazine for one.
the real treasure is to mediate and travers the vast space of CEVs. dont know what they are, or wherethey come from. But the most profound moments on lsd are deep in mediation, eyes shut, and soundblocking headphones. Does anyone else get all lost in there when tripping. Ill find myself wonder off by myslef more often than not to just be see whats happpening behind my eyes. although i ate 4 hits during the blood moon and got to trip out on the beach and dunes this past weekend, and nature WAS something else, phew. just wtacing the whole elciples and the streams of light puring out of the moon, and the Blood oragne OMG.observing the world around you on LSD is absolutely amazing
I agree. And i use to do the same thing so i know the convience of eating some zannies and nodding out. but planning, and good weed is better. And really clean L will help. I fall asleep tripping all the time with clean stuff. shouldnt have any speedy effect whatsoever.as your doctor i would recommend you switch to indica which is a healthy alternative lol
As your attorney I advise you to drive at top speed and it'll be a Goddamn miracle if we get there before you turn into some kind of wild animal.as your doctor i would recommend you switch to indica which is a healthy alternative lol
A couple points of meth? Damn Just that alone would wreck most peoples week.
exactly what i was looking for thanks. that is sort of what i would have expected but was just curious if anyone has ever done it to verify. i might do both once at some time anyway just to see how it is. i know it can be unpredictable but i never had a bad time on acid before. only moments of being nervous or anxious. always went away though once the trip sunk in.Dulling the edge of acid with benzos is a two way deal. Sure, you don't get jitters or anxiety but you don't get the giddy euphoria, the slight hysteria, the roller coaster of emotions that make lsd what it is.
Taking such things is best reserved for a confirmed bad experience and not a preventative.
benzos are great drugs if used properly. it's people that make them look bad that don't have self control. i know a couple people that have taken them almost everyday for years and you would never even think they were on anything. cold turkey withdrawals are fucking hell though. anyone with self control can usually quit them without much trouble if you go off slow like a dr says. i've been dependent on them on and off. no one really needs to take them. they don't need to smoke weed or take acid either. almost all meds are not really needed. they are there to enhance our lives. addicts have ruined it for the responsible users.yes yes yes!!! and btw i do think LSD is a fantastic miracle. benzos not so much
interesting point. i have some 10% cbd weed from a while back. doesn't really seem to do anything for me though. gets me high from the thc but obviously much weaker. i think even thc alone can be a good antipsychotic. once i get high enough i don't feel like doing shit except eat, watch tv, play video games. anti psychotic pills though usually put people out a lot more than weed. never tried the shit but i know a few crazy people that have taken it. to me they don't even seem functional at times.Ever tried CBD during a bad trip or know anyone who has? I wonder about it as it also appears to have powerful antipsychotic properties.
yes yes yes!!! and btw i do think LSD is a fantastic miracle. benzos not so much