'Acid' based caps


Well-Known Member
So this weekend was probably one of the most fucked up experiences of my life. The weekend started off great, friday night went to my friends apartment, we all got a bunch of mdma pills, good times all round. This girl i'm seeing invites me to go to this party with her Saturday night and says she'll give me an acid based cap if I wanted it. Of course being the kind of person I am I accept the offer, free drugs are free drugs. She says she's had them before and they don't really make you trip just give you the euphoria and you might hallucinate a little, the guy she bought them off also says the same thing. Knowing that actual lsd is hard to find around here and the fact that these apparently don't make you trip obviously made me realize it wasn't real acid but i thought I would give it a go anyway. I go to this party with her and our friend and they want to take them, fortunately I wasn't really feeling the mood there and suggest we just go to our friends house and take them since she's only 5 houses down and if we feel good we can just walk back. We go to her house, crack two of the caps open, I snort one of them in one line, they snort half of one each. We go sit out the back with her sister and her friends. My friend and my girl are having a smoke when all of a sudden my friend is just like 'dude i'm tripping.' I turn to look at her and all of a sudden it's like I can see the air, all these colors just start appearing out of nowhere and everything just starts wobbling. I look at my girl and she just has a lighter in her hand starring at the flame. We all quickly stand up and walk onto the grass, I look at my girl and it looks like she has no meat on her body she's just skin and bone. I'm just like "dude i'm tripping absolute fucking balls right now." All of a sudden I just black out and I'm in another universe I couldn't comprehend anything I was seeing, my friend says I had my eyes open the whole time just laying on the couch shaking but I just couldn't see anything. My heads just an absolute mess I start to forget my own name, I couldn't remember where I am or who I was with or any of my friends names. All of a sudden It feels like i'm laying on a road and I can just hear voices saying "someone help he's dying," It feels like blood is pouring out of my body, it's all I can taste. Then all of a sudden it feels like i'm in an ambulance and people are saying I overdosed and then I start remembering that I took 'acid' with my friends. I keep drifting into this black space where I have no idea what anything is it just feels like the universe is being ripped apart. All of a sudden I see this blurry vision of the house i'm in and I can hear my friend saying "just make yourself throw up man." I feel myself vomiting but I have no idea where I am or what's going on (somehow I managed to stumble into the bathroom and throw up into the toilet). All of a sudden I just appear in the corner of my friends bed with my girl and this guy and she's just sitting there playing with paint yelling "there's paint everywhere but nowhere, i'm covered in colors." After that everything was just great again, colors weren't really that vibrant but I was euphoric, we were just lugging at nothing for ages, everything was morphing and wobbling. It felt like I would melt into the carpet and time wasn't a thing anymore, music was extremely weird to listen to. My girl started off bad too but she didn't completely black out and my other friend was just lost between universes.

I have no idea what this stuff was but it was pretty fucked up, my girl said it was nothing like the ones she's had before and nothing like what the guy said it would be (she was freaking out that it would never end). It would definitely be fun in small doses like 1/4 of a cap but snorting the whole one was a terrible idea (having taken different hallucinogens in the past I thought it would be fine going for the full dose). They were $40 a cap (average price of mdma caps here) and a bright green flour like powder, didn't have any solid lumps or anything in it. Felt like there was some speed or something mixed in, I noticed my jaw chattering a little throughout the trip. The trip lasted about 8 hours, I was only blacked out for like 10 minutes apparently (felt like a year).
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my 3 guesses.
Did we learn a lesson about mystery powders?

Definitely testing small amounts of things first if i'm not sure what they are. Although the experience did make me feel glad to not be laying on a road bleeding to death / glad to actually be alive so kind of happy it happened in some weird way haha
Definitely testing small amounts of things first if i'm not sure what they are. Although the experience did make me feel glad to not be laying on a road bleeding to death / glad to actually be alive so kind of happy it happened in some weird way haha

Even this is risky if you don't know what the substance is. Sure you passed the allergy test but how much do step up the dose when titrating? You probably don't have enough unknown sample to do it. At least if you have a ballpark idea of what it is you can make an educated guess about how much to step the dose up. Some drugs have plateaus and some are just straight climbs.

my 3 guesses.
Did we learn a lesson about mystery powders?
I doubt it was 2C-B, they snorted it and didn't comment on it :)

Test kits,$20

I know,I've payed for both.
Really can't sum it up any better than that.
2CB nope, no screaming. Nbome's, too short for snorted. Then we have the large quantity of powder, but it's green. I'm going to guess 2C-P that was mixed with a powder to aid in dilution.

Snorting vs eating can have a much different effect. Most likely the capsulators intent was that you eat it.
Can anything numb the 2c burn...if so I need some

Best description I've heard is "it's like getting kicked in the nose by a psychedelic donkey"

Didnt believe it until I put some up my nose and hot damn is that some truth
I'm not sure about that. I think even if it was coke you'd still have the initial burn until the coke numbed it.
why did you snort it?! you didn't know anything about it aside from it potentially being a psychedelic...glad you're ok bro. i'm not going to preach to you because you've most likely learned your lesson here.
I'm getting by. Mostly things are pretty good.
good to hear homie. you got a grow goin' at the moment?

i have to say, i am on cloud 9 right now. i stopped selling drugs, cut my circle of friends down to around 5 people, stopped doing drugs (aside from tree of-course), started hitting the gym again and eating right, started working a real job again. so you know what that means? i can get back to growing! woooooo! i'm excited! so many positive changes this year.

i'll probably have threads both here and at rm3. hope you follow along. you helped me tremendously on my first grow. i feel like i owe the community a finished grow after all y'all have done for me lol.