Acid Movies

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Alright so lets hear some good movies to watch during an acid night.. Im not looking for movies like The Wall that are going to fuck with my head.. More easy watching comedy's or cartoons..

I was thinkin along the lines of Dazed and Confused, Super Troopers, etc..

Id also really enjoy some Disney movies.. But preferably none with a dark underlying.. Like that witch on snow white, man that brod scared the shit out of me as a little kid..

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Anyone heard of Fantastic Planet? Or any of the Qatsi series movies done by george lucas and francis ford coppola? Or even THX-1138?

There are so many good ones...the new alice in wonderland and avatar (in 3-d, on mushrooms) were fucking amazing...


Active Member
never dropped acid, so i don't expect anyone to value my opinion on this topic lol, but planet earth and life seem like they would be intense...on the hd tv's that shit looks so crisp and nice therefore i could only imagine how trippy it would look to see those beautiful patters shifting :)

ive recently been told by a friend that acid was way better than shrooms...does this hold true for ya'll?


Active Member
Dude tim burton films are AWESOME in HD! Something about the claymation I don't know it's awesome! I also like the XBOX360 visuals when you play music. They were designed by the same dude that does the Pink Floyd laser light shows.


New Member
never dropped acid, so i don't expect anyone to value my opinion on this topic lol, but planet earth and life seem like they would be intense...on the hd tv's that shit looks so crisp and nice therefore i could only imagine how trippy it would look to see those beautiful patters shifting :)

ive recently been told by a friend that acid was way better than shrooms...does this hold true for ya'll?
at this point if your on acid youd do better on a nature walk than watching planet earth just my 2 cents

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
never dropped acid, so i don't expect anyone to value my opinion on this topic lol, but planet earth and life seem like they would be intense...on the hd tv's that shit looks so crisp and nice therefore i could only imagine how trippy it would look to see those beautiful patters shifting :)

ive recently been told by a friend that acid was way better than shrooms...does this hold true for ya'll?
I watched some of the Planet Earth Series while on acid. It was nice. Being outside is the best but Planet Earth is definitely a cool thing to watch at least for a little bit. I always eventually get bored with stuff while tripping because I like to experience different things while tripping. It would be a waste to just watch tv.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I appreciate all the replys.. I ended up watching Bugs Bunny movie while listening to the Beatles, i then watched Dazed and confused, some south park and king of the hill.