completely incorrect. I am doubting you have tried both pcp and salvia as you would see similarities in the two. I have done plenty of pcp back in my younger days. You can have literal full blown hallucinations off of it. However, they are more like dreams, very realistic while it is happening. I'll give you an example of one that happened to me.
Smoked a stick with a friend of mine who wanted to try it, I knew where to get it so he came by with 20 bucks and I got him one. We met up with some friends at a local park. He and I took a walk and smoked it. By the time we got back we were full blown stuck out of our minds. I was ok as I had done it before and knew what to expect. He was a little freaked out so we hopped in a car with a few other people and took a ride to white hen to get some drinks and smokes and shit and see if that would calm him down. **here is where the hallucination pops in** He and I were both in the back seat of the car. He got out of the car to go into the white hen and while he was getting out his lighter fell out of his pocket and onto the seat. The lighter had some graphics on it with a big yellow smiley face in the center of it. As I stared at the lighter it literally morphed into the dude who just got out of the car in front of my eyes. Not really sure what transpired during that time, in actuality I think I was sitting there trying to have a conversation with a lighter lol. So anyhow, as I am sitting there talking to this lighter which to me had morphed into a person, the dude I smoked with comes back to the car, opens the car door....and at that moment when the car door opened, the lighter suddenly shrunk back into a lighter and I was holding it in my hand. I was really fucked up and quite frankly that was the coolest lighter I had ever seen. At this point I had myself convinced the lighter must be magic or some shit. So I pocketed the lighter because it was just to cool to give back. + I wanted to see it turn into a person again lol
Anyway, that was just one time I had a vivid hallucination on pvp. I'd say I may have done it 15 -20 times in my life and at least 1/2 of those times I had some type of very vivid hallucination like that one. <-- go ahead and read that, it explains the hallucinations that can take place on pcp.